Yay for the Bay area, Emily! Even more reason for me to go visit as often as I can.
I had an interesting encounter at breakfast today. My dad and I went to one of the local breakfast haunts and he started asking questions about roller derby. As I was explaining them, I heard a voice from a table nearby say "You could play roller derby!" The three girls at the table said they played and I asked them which team. Quad Squad! It was Princess Die, Vanna Whitetrash and Lizzie Borden. I would have never recognized them without their uniforms. It suprising what lies under the uniform and the butch "kill now" attitude. I complimented them on their win last night and they complimented me on my understanding of the rules! Hee. Nice kids.
beth b, the recipe your DH wanted is up in my lj.
Yay for SF, Emily! We know people who teach in the school district there (eta: the Oakland, K-12 school district), if you want to be put in touch.
All the dishes are done from the brunch today, and most of them are put away. I've now officially switched my body over from "productive" to "lazy."
Thanks, Perkins. I want to hear about what you bought at the fair!
Jewelry, some of which is for presents, and some of which is for me.
What's it look like (you can just tell what you bought for yourself)? I didn't buy anything, although I wanted to do so. We stopped in an open house on our way to the park -- a little 3 bd/2 bath offered at $899K. ::keels over and dies from stickershock::
I suck at describing jewelry. I'll just have to show you, but it's all Asian inspired-- I bought it all at the same place. I bought a red and black fan shaped pin (I needed it to dress up an ebay dress); a pair of pink button earrings with red and gold flower design on them, and a pair of silver earrings with a red and black overlay.
Looking like San Francisco. Or, well, Oakland. I think. I guess. Unless something happens.
Yay! Here's how I decided to move to San Francisco: "Oh shit, my car is dying. I can't afford to live in LA anymore. Where's the nearest city with decent public transit? San Francisco? Huh. I know some people there. Could be fun. Who couldn't have fun in San Francisco? I'll try it out for a few years and see what I think." 20 years later...
I'll just have to show you
Excellent plan.
I just made a reservation for me and my DH to use a B&B gift certificate we had for a place in Calistoga in a couple of weeks, for our anniversary. Yahoo!