CJ's performance sounds awesome, Suzi!
He was in denial about it ("I was on the bag!") but I was third base coach and he wasn't. He was just standing there thinking he was on the bag
I've seen major leaguers do this. Glad they held it together for the win!
Good on Emmet and Eian! Sounds like both worked hard to keep things as together as they could.
Bummer on the K-bug's team not doing so well. But getting the experience is very good, too.
And, since we seem to be channeling the Sports Center here, I would like to announce that my daughter's roller derby team won the 2006 season championship for her local league. Wheee!
YAY For emmett!!
Dad showed up and we got to the kayak shop in plenty of time. In fact someone else was late. I had a great time, my shoulders are soo sooo sore.
I saw a manatee and a baby!!! It was so awesome, I can't even describe it. I paddled right up to them (and actually over the mom once). She even rose up about 2 feet from me. The baby kept coming up for air looking so cute with grass all over its nose.
Today I found out I lost 6 lbs without trying. I thought I'd lost some weight because some of my pants are loose. The bad news I'm too wide for the sea kayak. I got stuck. It was horrible and I felt like a huge fat slob for a few minutes and the I got in one of the other kayaks and one of the tour guides used the sea kayak and it was fine. But I need to loose some inches so because the sea kayak is so much easier to paddle.
Go SailAweigh's Daughter!
I just posted in my LJ a long, long post about my car troubles this week.
Rather than posting the whole thing here, I provide a direct link to the post:
What Would MacGyver Do?
The best part, besides the manatee, was Dad didn't realize this was his Father's Day present. So, when we were there getting ready I said something like "Well, I wanted this to be a cool Father's Day present" and he looked really shocked.
On actual Father's Day I'm going to make him dinner here (or lunch) and go to church with him.
Dan, I'm so glad you got home okay!
It was....something, I'm telling you.
I've just been too tired the last couple of days to write it all down. So I finally sort of let it all tumble out, spell checked it, and posted it.
Tanner is chasing a mouse. He keeps catching it and letting it go. Then he looks like he's almost afraid of it and then attacks it again. I wish he'd just kill the damn thing so I could throw it out. Guess I'm going to have to get me some mousetraps at the store tomorrow.
Hehe. I am evil. The cat wasn't running around anywhere, so I figured the mouse had gone to ground. Sure enough, the cat had it trapped under the vacuum cleaner. I lifted the vacuum cleaner up. Let the battle of wills commence.
Sail, that's not evil. That's entertainment.