Okay, done. Tired. Sore.
Clean house pretty.
Really pretty.
To do tomorrow:
- Finish vacuuming cat. Um, couch. That was Freudian, Ima leave it since vacuuming the small couch is entirely due to Puppycat snuggling it.
- Likely convince Puppycat to come down from her "Oh noes the human is vacuuming which is evil" perch on top of the kitchen cabinets. She's there now.
- Sort ungodly amounts of mail into trash, file, shred and "do something" piles.
- Run random out-of-house errands.
- Pick up Jilli at train.
- Get pretty.
Now for a seriously hot shower and likely snoozing...
Robert, who is still deathly ill, has decided that the way to prepare for leaving tomorrow for a month in the States is to...calibrate the surround sound on the home theater.
I guess it's a coping mechanism, but I sort of wish he'd pack. Or at least bring the suitcases up from the basement. Or do something quieter that didn't prevent me from going into the living room.
And tragedy struck today! Mal was hustling after me and went off the edge of the sidewalk, landing on his face. Of the huge amounts of clover he could've landed in, he instead landed on the one marble flagstone. He split his lip, blood everywhere, all over my white shirt - it was horrible.
After I got him cleaned up and assessed the damage, we stopped in at a little store, and the lady gave him an ice cream stick for free, so there's that.
I feel awful, though - first major damage, and his poor little lip is so swollen.
ETA: And I'll try to post haircut photos. It's jaw-length, and pretty much all one length, so it's still the Wild Mane but shorter.
Oh, poor little Mal. Raq, that's so hard when they get hurt like that, when they're so little.
Poor Mal. And poor Raq too. Kids are resilient little things but it's so rough to see them after they've been a bit banged up. I hope the swolled lip goes down quickly.
I could be really productive right now and vacuum the couch. Instead I am ripping Harry Potter books into iTunes and watching racing from England.
Cass, you don't have to be productive at 3:00am, your time.
It's five, but point taken.
Insomnia fairies decided to come along for the ride when I took some minor pain meds cause my back hurt. They've slain the pain but I kinda just felt edgy for a while. Better now though. Instead of my normal, watch something educational or racing and fall asleep on the couch, I am waiting til I am sleepy enough for bed - as I suspect my back will appreciate the mattress - and then snooze for a few more hours.
I'm sorry I mathed. It's never pretty.
Go, CJ! Sounds like so much fun, Suzi.
Poor Mal! Poor Raq! Poor sick Robert!
Cass, get some good sleep, love.
Timelies, everyone else!
I do the odd time changes all of the time. I had to look at the clock to figure out the time right now. And I am on board time so that's kinda sad.
Bed in just a few.
I was taking three hours off of board time for you, but then noticed you posted near the change of the hour, and didn't stop to realize what hour, never mind that the mathing I actually need to do where board time is concerned is adding three hours for myself, not the other way around. Ugh.Lee.