My ticket home is booked. And, thankfully, my dad paid for it. I offered to, and I thought I was going to, but then he just gave me his credit card number. Guilting me into coming home is totally cool as long as it doesn't cost
four hundred dollars.
A family friend died, and my mom used this opportunity to note that he had a heart attack caused by the tension resulting from his son having an illicit affair. So please don't sully the family name and/or give her tension that could kill her. Promise?
My ticket home is booked.
Round trip, right?
A family friend died, and my mom used this opportunity to note that he had a heart attack caused by the tension resulting from his son having an illicit affair. So please don't sully the family name and/or give her tension that could kill her. Promise?
OMG, if you did a Jewish mom like this in a movie you'd be accused of pandering to vicious stereotypes.
A family friend died, and my mom used this opportunity to note that he had a heart attack caused by the tension resulting from his son having an illicit affair. So please don't sully the family name and/or give her tension that could kill her. Promise?
I thought my mother was good at the guilt trips, but that brings guilt to a whole new level.
A family friend died, and my mom used this opportunity to note that he had a heart attack caused by the tension resulting from his son having an illicit affair. So please don't sully the family name and/or give her tension that could kill her. Promise?
OMG, that makes me laugh inappropriately.
I'm thinking of my GF's or of asking Aimee for hers.
I'd me more than happy to pass on Erika's info. Plus, she's at Ventura and Woodman, near you. The Dej Salon. The owner apprenticed with Jonathan of "Blow Out" fame.
Oh, P-C. Oh dear. Definitely check that the ticket is round-trip.
{{{sj}}} Make some tea. It always helps my frame of mind, if nothing else.
A family friend died, and my mom used this opportunity to note that he had a heart attack caused by the tension resulting from his son having an illicit affair. So please don't sully the family name and/or give her tension that could kill her. Promise?
P-C, I suppose answering all of her comments like this by saying "I promise, Mom" in an overly-sweet tone of voice wouldn't help, would it? Because that's what I'd be tempted to do.
Rivven, huh? Nope, still calling the cat Roothven. It's my mispronunciation, and I like it!
Round trip, right?
OMG, that makes me laugh inappropriately.
I haven't even mentioned that the reason she wanted me to fly home for July 4 is that she needed to do a ceremony to cement her prayers to God that got me this job, and she was very stressed that she hadn't performed it yet, and if she died before she did it, it would not be good.
(Note: the "give her tension that could kill her" part was a mere extrapolation and not anything she explicitly said.)
P-C, I suppose answering all of her comments like this by saying "I promise, Mom" in an overly-sweet tone of voice wouldn't help, would it? Because that's what I'd be tempted to do.
She says, "Promise?" And I say, "Yeah."
And I still feel bad.
It's my mispronunciation, and I like it!
Heh. A lot of people pronounce "Emeline" Emma-leen. I only ever heard it Emma-lyne. I wonder if I mispronounce it?
Emeline is like unto Caroline, Madeline, etc. Right?