Oh my God, I'm searching through the guy's Sent Mail and getting bogged down in the numerous, numerous e-mails sent in response to Craigslist ads. The dude is 40, and I just found one he sent to a girl who's
There are so many of these damn e-mails, so many women he corresponded with. They're getting in the way! I have enough subject lines to scroll down without them!
{{SuziQ}} I wish you calmness.
Perkins - I don't have the number for the nurse's station. I'm feeling less overwhelmed now. I'll give it some more time. I hate it when my brain bitch-slaps me.
I just went to Sephora, and I now have glitter/shimmer on my arm, even though I didn't test anything with glitter in it. It's like you can't escape Sephora without contracting a glitter virus.
I got an email a little while ago from a candidate for one of our jobs (she turned us down) who asked me to look into a gift basket filled with goodies that she sent to all of us as a thank-you. The ex-candidate hadn't heard from the Boss to say it arrived.
Turns out, the gift basket was delivered to the Boss over a week ago and she hasn't shared!
This is grounds for mutiny, isn't it?
this is grounds for mutiny, isn't it?
Morally yes. Sufficient grounds for risking job/raises NSM. If your boss is the sort to take it in good part, might be grounds for really heavy kidding.
This is grounds for mutiny, isn't it?
nah. looking down your nose and talking about her behind her back is acceptable.
looking down your nose and talking about her behind her back is acceptable.
::thinks there must be a way to do this AND get fancy chocolates::
Still no baby! Huh. I swear, my sister-in-law is probably trying to wait it out until after midnight.
Well hell.
Mom is ok. She is in her room and sounds fine. But they weren't able to do what they wanted to do. They have decided that it is not blood clots, but scar tissue that is blocking the normal blood flow.
No clue what the next step is, or if there IS a next step. Someone came into her room and she had to go, so I couldn't ask much.
As tired of all this as I am, I know it is nothing compared to what she is going through. So fricking frustrating.