Well hell.
Mom is ok. She is in her room and sounds fine. But they weren't able to do what they wanted to do. They have decided that it is not blood clots, but scar tissue that is blocking the normal blood flow.
No clue what the next step is, or if there IS a next step. Someone came into her room and she had to go, so I couldn't ask much.
As tired of all this as I am, I know it is nothing compared to what she is going through. So fricking frustrating.
t slinks into thread
I got home about an hour ago (half days during exams) with firm plans to grade all afternoon and evening and do lots of laundry since my mom arrives tomorrow night. I made myself some Mac and Cheese for lunch and was about to get to work when my stomach decided it HATES ME and HATES MAC & CHEESE. I have no idea why, given that I'm not lactose intolerant and have been eating Mac & Cheese my whole life, but man am I miserable right now.
I've taken something and am considering crawling into bed and seeing if a nice nap might help me to sleep it off.
ETA: Hugs to Suzi and her mom. I'm sorry there isn't an easy answer, sweetie. That sucks.
{{{Suzi and Suzi's mom}}}
{{{Suzi and mom}}} Not knowing is awful.
{{{Kristin}}} Blech. Sorry, sweetie.
Yikes, lot's of health-ma all the way around.
{health-Ma all around}
KristenT - could you be having sinus problems? new ones? or old ones but worse than before? I'm not lactose intolerant either, but the last few years have found that dairy can cause the symptoms you describe when my sinuses are acting up.
Argh, I've had a cold for like a week now, and I keep sneezing blood. It's gross. And it's only out of one nostril, so it's gross and it's confusing.
In other news, I started the practical work for my dissertation today. There's no going back. Eeek.