Big waves of dread just slammed me regarding my mom. I just remembered that not only did I forget my cell phone at home, but that is the number the hospital has if they need to reach me. I did tell mom that I forgot my phone, but I doubt that translated into her telling her nurse my work number.
I know I could call the nurse's station and tell them, but then that means I'm a total worry wart instead of just a spaz. Gahhhhhhhhh.
This is what happens when I treat it all like it is no big deal and then I realize that any time there is a procedure there are risks. I can't allow myself to worry before hand cause I just plain don't have time to worry, but then it crashes into me and my brain goes kapluey.
If I were to have a boychild today, I would be hard pressed not to name him Damien, which I probably wouldn't, but my lord would I be tempted. I mean, I like the name anyway, but...
I feel ya. If I had a baby in a hurrichane I'd have to do that name too.
I know I could call the nurse's station and tell them, but then that means I'm a total worry wart instead of just a spaz. Gahhhhhhhhh.
If would help you to alleviate the stress you should just go ahead and call. I mean, it's your Mom! You're totally allowed to worry.
What, lisah said. Call the nurses station; you will feel better if you do.
Call and give them a number they can reach you at, Suzi. And if they happen to reassure you and say that everything is fine while you are on the phone, all to the good.
Today is a friend of mine's birthday - 6/6/67. He's a sweet guy and far from demonic - and not named Damien.
My work extension is 7666.
I'm gonna walk around the building and get some tea. If that doesn't clear my head, I'll call. I just hate trying to get info from the nurses station. Last time she was admitted, I was told that she had been sent home by whoever answered the phone when she had just been moved to a different room. I'm not in the mood for misinformation.
Suzi, send me your number and the nurses' station number, and I will call pretending to be your secretary.
Oh my God, I'm searching through the guy's Sent Mail and getting bogged down in the numerous, numerous e-mails sent in response to Craigslist ads. The dude is 40, and I just found one he sent to a girl who's
There are so many of these damn e-mails, so many women he corresponded with. They're getting in the way! I have enough subject lines to scroll down without them!
{{SuziQ}} I wish you calmness.
Perkins - I don't have the number for the nurse's station. I'm feeling less overwhelmed now. I'll give it some more time. I hate it when my brain bitch-slaps me.