Yes, school is over. I have to go in Monday and Tuesday for curriculum planning, but that's it.
I am afraid to go downtown though, to try to go to the courthouse and see what I need to do to try to fix this. And I can't do it all at once; I simply do not have the money. But I am afraid I'll keep getting my car towed again and again, but it'll take me a couple of weeks to get new tags, go through all the stuff and pay for it.
thanks, everyone. I don't deal well with things when I'm sick.
I am afraid to go downtown though, to try to go to the courthouse and see what I need to do to try to fix this. And I can't do it all at once; I simply do not have the money. But I am afraid I'll keep getting my car towed again and again, but it'll take me a couple of weeks to get new tags, go through all the stuff and pay for it.
All of which sucks.
And will be better dealt with when you've calmed down and the world isn't as horrible a fucking place as it is at the moment.
You are a competent capable person 99% of the time, deal with it then. Right now in the 1% you'll just make yourself more upset.
You're right. My friend is bringing my soup, and is giving me a ride to the tow lot tomorrow. I just need to...this sounds awful, but I need a cool glass of wine. Which I have in my fridge.
Awful? Have you joined AA and not told us?
I don't deal well with things when I'm sick.
Most people don't. I can see that you've already started thinking through how to attack this. I imagine that they're all set up to handle credit cards and/or payment plans. Or, in short, you're doing just fine.
I just need to...this sounds awful, but I need a cool glass of wine
I never knew why this was an awful thing to say or do. I mean , as an everyday thing, that would be a questionable statement. but a dark room, a glass of wine , a walk alone, etc. are all ways people center , calm , and realign themselves. doing any one of those things too often could be bad in the long run ( avoidence ) ,but sometimes it helps.
I have a 1/2 glass of Chard. I think it's good, but I can't taste anything. I could be swilling chilled goat piss at the mo.
Calmer, and no longer sobbing like a...sobbing thing. #;46, and I can't do anything today except research, so I am just going to chill and plan later. Amazing headache...and yes, I just popped some Tylenol.
sigh. I'm giving up my car and buying a freakin pony.
If it makes you feel any better, I am driving around in an unregistered myself. So other people do it.