I have a 1/2 glass of Chard. I think it's good, but I can't taste anything. I could be swilling chilled goat piss at the mo.
Calmer, and no longer sobbing like a...sobbing thing. #;46, and I can't do anything today except research, so I am just going to chill and plan later. Amazing headache...and yes, I just popped some Tylenol.
sigh. I'm giving up my car and buying a freakin pony.
If it makes you feel any better, I am driving around in an unregistered myself. So other people do it.
Erin, you poor dear. I can't deal when I'm sick, either. I was going to tell you to go take some Motrin or something that will take the edge off the sickness and have something to drink. You're already there. Maybe take a nice shower (not hot, it'll raise your temp). Call the muni offices in the morning and have a little tiny something in your belly to give the wine a good landing.
Sophia! My sister in crime!
never knew why this was an awful thing to say or do. I mean , as an everyday thing, that would be a questionable statement. but a dark room, a glass of wine , a walk alone, etc. are all ways people center , calm , and realign themselves. doing any one of those things too often could be bad in the long run ( avoidence ) ,but sometimes it helps
I read an interesting article by a guy who has a martini when he gets home, just about every day. Just the one, though. He was under some stress, went to see a therapist Therapist flipped out about the martini, blah blah, can't use alcohol as a coping mechanism, etc., etc. And then prescribed Xanax. He wrote that he couldn't understand why the martini was bad, but prescription drugs were okay. I think that he had a point.
Man. I would trade this glass o' wine for a Xanax ASAP!
Although my kitty is being very sweet to me, and is curled up on my feet and meowing concernedly, and that's better than both.
Sweet kitty.
This is why I do not tell my doctor that I have a glass of wine every day.
Oh, you probably mean the kitty there!
Alcohol is a drug. It is often abused, but I certainly don't believe it is inherently more dangerous than most other drugs. Based on what the one Xanax I ever had did to me, I'd rather go with the alcohol. It's easier to limit dose.