Erin, sometimes its not picking your battles, its timing your battles.
Do it in an hour. Or do it tomorrow. You just have to get it done before the weekend, school is over, right?
Put some ice on your head and have a drink and chat with us and deal with the BS later when you're emotionally equiped to do so.
You're not a moron, and you'll get through this. And we will help you, especially where it involves making mean gestures at the municipal authorities on your behalf.
Oh shit, Erin. I'm so sorry.
What you have to do is pay them off with a penalty.
Where you're going to get that money is another trick. Hope you can sort it out. Teacher's credit union loan?
Erin, you are not a moron. I'm dealing with a lingering situation with my car that's included multiple fines and other stuff. Sometimes things don't have to be done right away, also there might be payment plans of some kind.
I know from experience it's scary and sucks mightly.
Yes, school is over. I have to go in Monday and Tuesday for curriculum planning, but that's it.
I am afraid to go downtown though, to try to go to the courthouse and see what I need to do to try to fix this. And I can't do it all at once; I simply do not have the money. But I am afraid I'll keep getting my car towed again and again, but it'll take me a couple of weeks to get new tags, go through all the stuff and pay for it.
thanks, everyone. I don't deal well with things when I'm sick.
I am afraid to go downtown though, to try to go to the courthouse and see what I need to do to try to fix this. And I can't do it all at once; I simply do not have the money. But I am afraid I'll keep getting my car towed again and again, but it'll take me a couple of weeks to get new tags, go through all the stuff and pay for it.
All of which sucks.
And will be better dealt with when you've calmed down and the world isn't as horrible a fucking place as it is at the moment.
You are a competent capable person 99% of the time, deal with it then. Right now in the 1% you'll just make yourself more upset.
You're right. My friend is bringing my soup, and is giving me a ride to the tow lot tomorrow. I just need to...this sounds awful, but I need a cool glass of wine. Which I have in my fridge.