Poor, Cindy. His little "small and white" sentence is still going to be running around in your head like a nightmare refrain from Buffy.
Hell, David, you've known me since *SFNet* days.
Phew, that's a couple lifetimes ago, huh?
Now that y'all mention it, when I do spot a cool looking Indian girl on the Muni I do think of her in terms of P-Cow worthiness. It's not enough that she's pretty and the right age - she's got to have cool style and interesting reading material or I can hear her iPod or she's got geeky hip pins on her backpack.
But thank you! I'm trying to only watch one dvd a week so that the show will last longer.
You're so welcome! I'm glad they got to you safely. I miss not having any new episodes to watch...
I'd stick with your plan of making him the butt of a family joke for the rest of your life.
You gotta write it on his birthday cake when he turns 18! "It was white and square and looked like a tooth so I swallowed it." Maybe covered with little white toothlike candy squares.
Then maybe, "Fuck you very much! You little heart attack giver!"
But only when he's 18.
It's a fine detective story that, as an added bonus, also teaches about philosophy and the medieval Church. But first and foremost a detective story.
I like that Brother William very explicity details his thought process because hell if I could make some of those leaps myself. But it's very Sherlock Holmes.
I re-read Name of the Rose regularly. It's the library thing that makes it so cool (to me).
Yeah, the freaky library system is definitely interesting.
Now that y'all mention it, when I do spot a cool looking Indian girl on the Muni I do think of her in terms of P-Cow worthiness. It's not enough that she's pretty and the right age - she's got to have cool style and interesting reading material or I can hear her iPod or she's got geeky hip pins on her backpack.
Aw, hee.
Who wouldn't love this face? And that schnozz? And those ears?
Looks like someone shelled an Armadillo.
Cindy - nope, I'm just wordless. though I did like how you got him in the shower
Well, it was in the plans from before the incident and I had to kill the time. Plus? On the outside chance our doctor wanted him to go to the E.R., he was really filthy. I had to clean him up.
Cindy, a punch in the nose would be over too quickly. I'd stick with your plan of making him the butt of a family joke for the rest of your life. I'm very glad that whatever it was, it doesn't seem to be causing him pain/harm.
Well, that's why I'm waiting 'til he's twenty-five for that. I can savor the fantasy for the next 19 years. By then, I'll be 58. Even if he presses charges, no jury is going to take it seriously that a worn out crone popped a strapping 25 year old in the nose. I intend to make the sexism and agism (age-ism?) work for me.
He is already the butt of the family joke for this one. We began the mockery last night. He shall not live this down. Ever. I must have used it over 12 times, today, already. To give him his due, he has a decent sense of humor about it. Even when it was time to pack his school snack and I took him in the bathroom, stared down at the toilet rim, and asked what he wanted.
You gotta write it on his birthday cake when he turns 18! "It was white and square and looked like a tooth so I swallowed it." Maybe covered with little white toothlike candy squares.
I can tell all his dates too, right?
On the outside chance our doctor wanted him to go to the E.R., he was really filthy. I had to clean him up.
This caused two reactions: Laughter and "So sweet!" It is just so motherly in a very, "make sure you have clean underwear on because what if you get in an accident...?"
I can tell all his dates too, right?
Hell yes.
I can tell all his dates too, right?
Not only that, but it needs to be part of the toast at his wedding.
I'm about to go back and read the terrible tale of Christopher, but first, before I do, this:
P-C, I met a lovely Indian girl about your age on my flight (actually I met 3, but one stood out as being awesome). I totally should've talked you up to her and her parents...except they were on their way back to India, where they live. But that's details; I think I'll carry your photo and email addy with me to give out, just in case.
As long as someone else brought it up first, I should mention that although I don't actually know any single Indian women, I am friendly with a handful of Indian postdoc fellows in my division and in the PICU. Unfortunately, they're all married, but they're also all very nice and kind and smart and pretty, and they could conceivably have single friends who are also nice and kind and smart and pretty and science-geeky.
And one of them is a first-generation USian with zero-generation parents, whose family went through the whole cultural influences and expectations balancing act as the kids grew up and made their way out into the world and who didn't end up all destroying each other. She's superhugely cool and I've been thinking about trying to do a bit of non-worky socializing with her anyhow, so she may possibly be available at some future point for venting and hairpats and "Been there, done that, came out the other side in one piece" advice. If you're interested.
Every birthday cake from here on in needs to square and white. No writing. No candles.