skipping and skimming...
The IUD seems to be a good solution that does not require surgery on either of our parts.
My mom had an IUD when she got pregnant with me. They may have changed a bit in the intervening 39 (eek!) years, though.
That's all. I'm now back to the grindstone.
So I hate when having the ick means when I touch my hair, the top of my head hurts
Aw. Poor beth. Health ~ma to you! Unfortunately, I know that feeling. My doctor also knows exactly what I mean when I go to see him and just say, "Even my hair hurts." He's a good doc. Me loves him.
Yay for last day of Milken class and upcoming vacation, Kristin!
The dog wants to go to the park. I want to sit on the couch and eat ice cream. Since I don't have any ice cream, I think the dog wins by default.
The dog wants to go to the park. I want to sit on the couch and eat ice cream. Since I don't have any ice cream, I think the dog wins by default.
I think you both win if you can detour for some ice cream on your way to/way back from the park.
re: husband bashing.
We were in Sears one day, and Hubby was either sporting a sling or a neck brace or something. The clerk grinned at him and said, "Gotta stop letting the wife beat on you, fella."
Unfortunately for him, I was nearby, and I said, "Get me your manager, now." He blinked and went into the "what's wrong, how can I help you, are you sure we need the manager?" schtick. I assured him we did indeed need the manager.
Manager arrives. I say, "First, spousal abuse is not an appropriate subject for comedy. If a child was in a cast, would you let your employees make jokes about child abuse? Secondly, I find it beyond offensive that he thinks it's funny to suggest I hit my husband. Would he make the same joke if I were in a neck brace?" The manager went pale, gave the clerk a "you'll be lucky to still have a job" look, and apologized for several minutes until Hubby convinced me to be mollified.
I do not let that sort of thing go, and it's apalling how often I hear it, what with Hubby's frequent use of braces, slings, etc. as wardrobe items.
I was kind of thinking that too, Sparky... But once I go through the trouble of burning calories, it's usually enough to talk me out of consuming unhealthy calories. For a little while, anyway.
Plus, I already consumed a whole pint of ice cream over the three day holiday. By myself. BAD Nicole!
Go Connie!
Talking Victoria and gifts, this site talks about Christmas, in particular, bronzes (with hideouts?), and bags worked by the giver. [link]
but the teaching, she is OVER!
I studied all day today. Well, except for the part of the day that I spent daydreaming about cool places I could go work once I get my degree. Then getting back to reality with remembering how many of those places are places where I don't speak the language well enough to teach in it (pretty much anywhere that doesn't speak English fits into this category, unless I can really improve my French in the next few years) or places where the academic politics bother me enough that I'm not sure I'd be comfortable there (UK). Then I started wondering how many English-language universities there are in various cool-sounding countries. Then I realized that I'd spent half an hour on this, and got back to actually studying.
So that was my day. Six more days until my exam.
I was kind of thinking that too, Sparky... But once I go through the trouble of burning calories, it's usually enough to talk me out of consuming unhealthy calories. For a little while, anyway.
Burning calories = still a win for you, but not a win for Ben & Jerry's stockholders.
Speaking of calorie burning, my yoga class got bumped from it's room, so now the teacher is thinking we will have it outside if the sun stays out. As soon as she sent that update, high clouds started appearing. Drat.
Connie, I totally understand where you're coming from but I guess I'm having difficulty understanding why pulling his manager into it was necessary. If the clerk was a teenager, maybe I'd go over his head but I'd think cluesticking directly to the clerk is where I'd start.
I don't know - jobs and someone's income are something I try not to screw up for people.
Yes, what different people consider to be a joke includes some very thin lines and I get that. I do. I just wonder if an offhand "joke" is worth someone's job.