I was kind of thinking that too, Sparky... But once I go through the trouble of burning calories, it's usually enough to talk me out of consuming unhealthy calories. For a little while, anyway.
Burning calories = still a win for you, but not a win for Ben & Jerry's stockholders.
Speaking of calorie burning, my yoga class got bumped from it's room, so now the teacher is thinking we will have it outside if the sun stays out. As soon as she sent that update, high clouds started appearing. Drat.
Connie, I totally understand where you're coming from but I guess I'm having difficulty understanding why pulling his manager into it was necessary. If the clerk was a teenager, maybe I'd go over his head but I'd think cluesticking directly to the clerk is where I'd start.
I don't know - jobs and someone's income are something I try not to screw up for people.
Yes, what different people consider to be a joke includes some very thin lines and I get that. I do. I just wonder if an offhand "joke" is worth someone's job.
I would give just about anything to be able to tour Balmoral Castle.
You know, someone on my flist just said it was really touristy and kind of over-rated. But it would still be really cool to see. Have you been to England, Aimee?
Then I started wondering how many English-language universities there are in various cool-sounding countries.
Have you been to England, Aimee?
I've never been anywhere.
But you live in one of the most amazing cities in this country.
Burning calories = still a win for you, but not a win for Ben & Jerry's stockholders.
True. Something tells me that the stockholders will be ok though. If I have to buy all new clothes due to my ice cream addiction, however, I won't be able to pay my mortgage.
As soon as she sent that update, high clouds started appearing. Drat.
Drat indeed!
Ok! Off to burn calories!
I do. And, for the most part, I enjoy it. But, I want to get off this continent. I've already told Joe that when Em turns 16, I don't care if I have to mortgage the house (provided we own one by then), I'm taking her to Paris for two weeks. Two weeks in Paris, by myself, would be the best gift anyone could ever give me.
Aimee - you could watch the Chris E. Doctor Who -- because that is apparently what the Queen plans to do at Balmoral. Or so I hear.
Two weeks in Paris, by myself, would be the best gift anyone could ever give me.
I completely agree. I've never been there, and it's definitely on my to-do list when I move.