I have used Matt as an excuse not to do/buy something- esp when I worked in retail and there was a lot of pressure. I've told him when I've done it. In reality, I am the budget master, but when I was in retail it was amazing that invokeing the name of the SO would make them back off from pressureing me to buy something.
And I do understand the kind of thing that brenda is talking about. I've seen enough to see both sides. Th ebest deflection I've seen of this is with my friend L. She is way more aggressive ( and volitale) than her husband P. and living in our area of older homes, something always needs to happen, and P is very slow to even start anything. first, she figured out that a lot of things she can do, or she can hire someone to do . ( this actually motivaes P to do things) Everything else happens in Niles Times. Things just happen slower where we are. everything takes longer than you think it will. It has nothing to do with P - it is the vortex we live in.
Sometimes , the general male bashing, is actually a way of deflecting anger at a specfic person. Actually, among the people I know, it usually comes out as - huh I though they wer like us, guess they are different. It actually seems to add some perspective. i know that after reaching the conclusion that ' guy do that ' ( which is really people do that) that I become much less confrentational.
On a related note, I bounced gleefully when Jilli and Pete took me to a Great Big Bookshop, and said "If Rosie were here she wouldn't let me go in! Yay! Books!" (I've sold most of my books, remember, and Should Not Be Buying More Stuff. But - books!)
...yeah, really can't blame Evil ExBoss for slashing us.
If it weren't for the awful breaking up of the OTP, I'd totally want to kidnap you and hug you and squeeze you and call you George. Except for the part where that would leave Pete bereft and Jilliless, which is a truly dreadful notion.
Clearly the only solution is to kidnap both of them. And then all three of you come to New York.
Wow, that would be fun...I'd totally go to that. In theory, anyway.
Clearly the only solution is to kidnap both of them.
Well, it would make it that much easier to sqeeze Pete's cheek and tell him he's adorable.
...what do you mean, which cheek?
And then all three of you come to New York.
Jessica, you misspelled L-o-s A-n-g-e-l-e-s.
Score for being a shorter trip, but I've never been to NYC. Someday, I want to.
Clearly the only solution is to kidnap both of them. And then all three of you come to New York.
This is a good plan.
Jessica, you misspelled L-o-s A-n-g-e-l-e-s.
This is also a good plan.
Fay, I had forgotten all about the
which route is the best one to get to the bathroom
hilarity at the airport. And now you know that Pete and I have those sorts of conversations ALL THE TIME, with the him explaining and the me being cheerfully patient.
Hee! Joe and I have the same thing when he explains things to me that I already know, but he assumes I don't.
Any time I say Pete won't let me do something, it's pretty much for comedic effect.
I meant that!
and the me being cheerfully patient.
It's one of your best expessions. Perhaps because you've had practice.