I do not know this Michael Savage. I think I'm glad of it.
I am Cindy. Yay! I've finally become one of the cool kids.
Also, I have finalized the contract with my parents! Church is not mandated! WOOOHOOO! Oh, and I got my dad to let me change some of the "consequences" language. I'm feeling good about this. Next step, actually applying for the loan. Loan~ma would be GREATLY appreciated. We could still get turned down, and that would make me very sad.
I do not know this Michael Savage. I think I'm glad of it.
A taste of Savage Nation:
Probably best not to go there right after eating.
Good call, hivemind!
tries not to bounce too much.
I hope all goes well with the loan and everything.
Good news, Aimee?
Yay, vw! Tons of loan ~ma to you.
Does that mean good news Aimee?
Aimée, YAY on the calls, nibbles and bites. ::waits for Porny Pants::
Suzi, I'm sorry about the auditors. I hope it means you'll get a good lunch out of it?
Loan ~ma, vw! If the lenders could see how thoughtfully you'd approached this, they'd give you your $$.
A little interview~ma tomorrow around 5:30, por favor.
He was impressed that I got on the website to "familiarize myself with the company."
upset and premenstrual, I have just INHALED the following:
Quizno's Chicken Carbonara sub (which also dripped its evil fatty sauce on my pretty new shirt), Harvest cheddar Sun Chips, and a Reese's peanut butter cup pair.
Now I have a spotted shirt and an inexplicable yearning for greasy pad thai.
Loan~ma, vw!
Why do you have to listen to it, P-C, is this a carpool situation where you don't control the radio?