Announcement: I really, really hate Michael Savage.
He says some really awful stuff, but he's so over-the-top it seems more like schtick than real conviction. Sort of like Ann Coulter. Also, I remember listening to some of a show of his one time (I was driving, didn't feel like music, there wasn't any interesting sports, and after that it's all right wing talk) and he mentioned having gay friends. Something seemed really wrong there, it's hard to imagine having friends that you label as scum destroying the nation.
I have auditors in house today. I get to sit with them for 2 hours. Someone save me.
Distract them with a burrito or maybe a veggie burger. Um, I'm not having a lot of original thoughts today.
I do not know this Michael Savage. I think I'm glad of it.
I think I should make Fay my SO.
Always a good plan.
Hi Suzi! Sorry about the auditors, that never seems to be any fun. Tedious answering of questions and your actual work doesn't get done, in my experience. Henry's gonna be in your neck of the woods this afternoon for an interview, I believe.
Go Aimee with the resume recognition! I think you can call at this point. Just say you were told there would be a call last night and there wasn't, and you just wanted to make sure they had all your contact info.
Once I was working as a temp for a credit card bank. Our department was being audited. One of the auditors just struck up a casual conversation with me in the elevator - except later I realized she was pumping me for info on the workings of our department.
Somehow that really annoyed me.
Would it be out of line to call them this morning?
That seems fine to me. Good luck!
I'm not really sure I want to know what this extreme extremist that makes Rush Limbaugh look like Abbie Hoffman said to prompt this reaction, but I'll ask anyway. What did he say?
Oh, what
he said? This is more of a cumulative reaction, as I'm forced to listen to him every day on the way home from work. He pisses me off with all his shit about "left-wing operatives" and all the other little conspiracies to take down the government that he Knows to Be True. Yesterday, he pissed me off by totally jumping down the throat of a caller, taking the first thing he said and turning it against him, and then viciously spewing the same rhetoric he'd just been spewing rather than, I don't know,
letting the caller ask a question.
I'm just not into the whole vitriol thing.
I do not know this Michael Savage. I think I'm glad of it.
I am Cindy. Yay! I've finally become one of the cool kids.
Also, I have finalized the contract with my parents! Church is not mandated! WOOOHOOO! Oh, and I got my dad to let me change some of the "consequences" language. I'm feeling good about this. Next step, actually applying for the loan. Loan~ma would be GREATLY appreciated. We could still get turned down, and that would make me very sad.
I do not know this Michael Savage. I think I'm glad of it.
A taste of Savage Nation:
Probably best not to go there right after eating.
Good call, hivemind!
tries not to bounce too much.