my doc precribed Laxapro for anxiety, which in my case manifested itself with no real symptoms other than restless sleep, which manifested itself in--yes, exhaustion.
I'm also on Lexapro and had the same problem when my doctor upped the dose. She cut back on the Lexapro and added Welbutrin, hoping for synergy.
So far, it seems to be working.
Also, this doctor won't prescibe a IUD for me because I'm "too young" to be exposed to the completly TINY potential side effect of infertility.
I wanted an IUD, but my college doctor was wary of prescribing it to me, because she considered me too young and noted that it was expensive. I pointed out that there was absolutely no way I wanted to get pregnant in the next seven years, and she replied with, "Well, in cases of women who've not given birth, it can slip out." I didn't know what to say to that, really, except think on "I cannot wait until I get a real doctor."
Oooh! IUD *is* covered under my insurance!! $10 office co-pay is it.
So, I don't know if I need a new doctor or what.
I think they prefer it if you've already given birth but there's no reason you can't have one despite that.
IIRC, it's easier to insert if you've given birth (esp. if you're freshly post-baby!), but I know my OB/GYN uses the Mirena all the time on nulliparas because it can help with some types of pelvic pain.
Me, too. They're hella expensive, though.
How much is it for you if you're uninsured? (Mine was covered, and therefore insanely cheap. 5 years of BC in a shot for less than a month's worth of pills. I love it.)
"Well, in cases of women who've not given birth, it can slip out."
And she thought this was relevant because...?
[eta: DUH, nevermind. I missed the "not" in there. Still an odd thing to say. I mean, so can a NuvaRing.]
Huh, what? Why come?
Jen can answer the why come, but that is mentioned in the lit for it. Though it's a SMALL chance, and you're supposed to spot check the thing.
How much is it for you if you're uninsured?
I was quoted in the neighborhood of $500, with office visit (I think). Good news is, with Stephen's new job, even if the new insurance doesn't cover it, we can think about doing it in a few months.
And she thought this was relevant because...?
No idea. Boy was it annoying though. Maybe that's something I'll do this summer.
my doctor's thing was, why be exposed to the risks when the Nuva Ring works fine without them? I didn't have an answer to that, then. Now I think I will just tell her that I want the IUD and not back away from it, see what she does. I don't want to have to change doctors again... I'm already on my second one in this practice (it's inhouse at the university)