Um, I don't know about the pingpong ball trick thing.
Ooh! You need to see
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,
then. Basically the pingpong ball trick involves the impressive flight of a pingpong ball, propelled by positiviely gladiatorial pelvic muscles. It is but one of many disconcerting things that the performing ladies of Bangkok's, ah, less reputable stage shows can apparently do with their ladyparts.
Yes. Scary.
I've also heard of bananas being broken up into bite-sized chunks (which would surely strike fear, rather than horniness, into the heart of any bloke with a shred of self preservation) and beer bottles being opened. Look ma, no hands! Or panties! Type of deal.
...guess I'm not really selling Thailand for the next F2F, am I?
So, at a guess, Fay is posting during breakfast, just before another work day. As for the rest of you, who's got Monday off?
Babe, I've been at work for more than two hours already! (But, since Resource is apparently over for the year now, this consists of me sitting in my room hoping nobody comes and asks me to do stuff. Which is nice.)
...think I may wander downstairs and get an apple and a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast. Incidentally, I'm getting the impression that by 'Grilled Cheese Sandwich', Americans actually mean 'Fried Cheese Sandwich'. Or something. Because they always seem to be buttery on the outside, which is a puzzlement to me.
And I do not fear your grudges. No I do not. I think they're
runs away.
But I have to clean, and I think I have to go to a meeting or two.
I'll be painting like crazy to meet my Friday deadline.
And yes, I am painting RIGHT NOW.
Fay, the tale I heard was with a whole banana.
Didn't think you have internet access at work, though I did know your job is kind of running in place now. Pity, shoulda stayed in Seattle longer. IJS.
No, it's FT (T for tiring or tiresome or taxing, take your pick).
Incidentally, I'm getting the impression that by 'Grilled Cheese Sandwich', Americans actually mean 'Fried Cheese Sandwich'. Or something. Because they always seem to be buttery on the outside, which is a puzzlement to me.
Generally, yeah. Except for sometimes when they're cooked in a panini press or George Forman grill, or in a toaster oven, or sometimes broiled.
the impressive flight of a pingpong ball, propelled by positiviely gladiatorial pelvic muscles.
Oh. Huh. Learn something new every day, I guess.
Except for sometimes when they're cooked in a panini press or George Forman grill, or in a toaster oven, or sometimes broiled.
But these are just plain wrong. Grilled cheese sandwiches need to be fried, and ideally eaten with creamy tomato soup. If you're feeling exotic, they can be eaten with creamy tomato soup with rice.
Okay, I'm done with painting for the night.
Night all!
G'night, Mr Reason!
Pity, shoulda stayed in Seattle longer. IJS.
Word. Although I'm already looking at losing 1/3 of my salary for the month, so there is that.
Grilled cheese sandwiches need to be fried, and ideally eaten with creamy tomato soup. If you're feeling exotic, they can be eaten with creamy tomato soup with rice.
See, I understand how you'd think that, if they're your childhood yummy thing, but I find these greasy cheese sandwiches disappointing. A proper cheese toasty is a crispy yummy thing, and it isn't all greasy on the outside. YMMV.
...and in the end it was all moot. I'd forgotten today was Koshari Day at work - thus you find me eating the carbiest carby food in the history of carbs. And a nice green salad, to counterbalance it a wee bit.