Incidentally, I'm getting the impression that by 'Grilled Cheese Sandwich', Americans actually mean 'Fried Cheese Sandwich'. Or something. Because they always seem to be buttery on the outside, which is a puzzlement to me.
Generally, yeah. Except for sometimes when they're cooked in a panini press or George Forman grill, or in a toaster oven, or sometimes broiled.
the impressive flight of a pingpong ball, propelled by positiviely gladiatorial pelvic muscles.
Oh. Huh. Learn something new every day, I guess.
Except for sometimes when they're cooked in a panini press or George Forman grill, or in a toaster oven, or sometimes broiled.
But these are just plain wrong. Grilled cheese sandwiches need to be fried, and ideally eaten with creamy tomato soup. If you're feeling exotic, they can be eaten with creamy tomato soup with rice.
Okay, I'm done with painting for the night.
Night all!
G'night, Mr Reason!
Pity, shoulda stayed in Seattle longer. IJS.
Word. Although I'm already looking at losing 1/3 of my salary for the month, so there is that.
Grilled cheese sandwiches need to be fried, and ideally eaten with creamy tomato soup. If you're feeling exotic, they can be eaten with creamy tomato soup with rice.
See, I understand how you'd think that, if they're your childhood yummy thing, but I find these greasy cheese sandwiches disappointing. A proper cheese toasty is a crispy yummy thing, and it isn't all greasy on the outside. YMMV.
...and in the end it was all moot. I'd forgotten today was Koshari Day at work - thus you find me eating the carbiest carby food in the history of carbs. And a nice green salad, to counterbalance it a wee bit.
I am alseep - or half asleep , but my brain started planning things- that dont exsist. It was very busy, but I would prefer more sleep.
sunday, we spent wandering around the more touristy sections of SF - because my sister wanted to. Guess what weekeknd is the first big tourist weekeknd in sf. yep. I was good, I did not budgen any tourist who stopped in the middle of the sidewalk with my water bottle. and We did go to fog city dinner. where I did have the best salad in the world followed by the tallest lemon merange pie ever. and I came home with the Plastic Fork of Death.
Sophia, I have no words to say how much I feel for you and your kitty.
t /Captain Kirk
Speaking of which... How William Shatner Changed The World ...a 2-hour History Channel Documentary.
Oh, Sophia, that's just awful, hon. I hope you get to a doctor soon, and I hope they figure out something for Sunshine. How absolutely heartbreaking.
So, I paid bills a few days ago. You know what helps? If you actually mail them! Just found them in a pile of stuff I was going through. Good grief! It's surprising I'm allowed to continue to live or something.
From way, back, Congratulations on the house, Amych!
Sophia, I'm sorry about the cat problems.
I have today off. And I'm spending it at a day-long Dr. Who fest, complete with mimosas and nummy food. I just need to get my ass out of bed, take a shower, and actually leave the apartment to do this. Still, the mimosas (and homemade donuts, did I mention them?) are compelling.