ion, I am wearing Meara's vest. Or - not vest, because you folks use vest to mean waistcoat. Er. Wifebeatery thingy? For girls? Whatever you call that? Anyway, it's green, and it goes with my skirt, and I wore it to school today. Yes sounds nice, but how it's mine, I am befuddled...I left a tanktop there? But, ya know, if it gives you a frisson of buffistaporn, well...I'm all for it!
The Kinsey Scale is Fay's bitch.
I love this. Hee.
I have to admit, LEGO foreskins make me laugh and laugh.
This is such a wrong wrong thought.
My parents didn't know Hec existed until he asked me to marry him. That may be taking it a bit far, admittedly.
This is my plan. Until I marry Hec, my parents won't know that he...wait, something's wrong with that plan...
I was in a meeting from 7pm until a few minutes before 11. Most of it was not anything that actually directly involved me, but the organizer has been REALLY BAD this year about telling me shit, and so I was afraid if I left, she'd get into a conversation about shit that I need to know, and assume that because she told *someone*, I knew. Or that I didn't need to know. ARGH.
Now to watch Veronica Mars.
If my skin doesn't stop itching I may have to just discard it and get some new skin.
If my skin doesn't stop itching I may have to just discard it and get some new skin.
We could spray you with liquid latex. I see you in a black latex skin tight look.
This is such a wrong wrong thought.
But it would make a bris so much simpler.
Oh beth, itchiness is way worse than pain of the same intensity. Unless it actually stops when you scratch, in which case it's goooood. But when does that happen? Never.
Listening to public radio on the way home, I listened to this interview: [link]
Basically it is with the reporter that has noted that Shrub has quietly put a little metaphorical asterisk next to over 750 laws enacted during his term that he feels he has the authority to ignore at will.
I am so thrilled for you both.
Due to Bitchly enthusiasm, I ordered some Alima Mineral make-up samples. I am wearing it today and if it lasts, I am sold, baby! It manages to even out skin tone while still looking like actual skin. Feels all soft and velvety on, too.
It is just fabulous. I am enthralled.
This is why I NEVER tell my parents I'm seeing someone until it's gotten to being an actual "relationship," whatever that means.
I wait until there is cohabitation. Or, once, an engagement.
Though, to be fair, sometimes I don't notice the relationships much before they capitalize into Relationships, just that at some point it goes from "mmmm, person who makes me smile" to something else. sounds nice, but how it's mine, I am befuddled...I left a tanktop there? But, ya know, if it gives you a frisson of buffistaporn, well...I'm all for it!
For some reason you were all 'I've had enough of this, anybody want it?' and left it behind. Possibly you had Too Much Luggage issues? Not too sure. And it was duly washed and folded and tucked away, but since it's summery again, and since it coordinates with my skirt, it got pressganged into working.
I may have mentioned before, but it's worth mentioning again, that the first time I heard an ad for "eHarmony dating service" on the radio, I somehow thought they said "R. Lee Ermey dating service."
Which I really need to call him about setting up.
Hmm...after several different "experts" have told me I could wear either warm or cool foundation tones, I may have to order a bunch of samples from Alima and see for myself. I love id Mineral Veil, so if the foundation feels like that it's a go.
I'm pretty sure my dad met Robert when R and I were living together. I know R insisted on the formality of asking my dad for permission to marry me. On average, I would say that my dad met 5% of the people I dated; it just didn't occur to me to involve the parental unit.
Of course, there may have been some aversion therapy there: My mom met my first boyfriend, and she was a complete ass to him, then after he left, snarked that he'd probably stolen the earrings he gave me and ordered me to never see him again. He was a perfectly decent normal guy. Mom was a headcase.
Then hmm, let's see...the first guy I was (ahem) physically intimate with? His mother pulled a gun on me. That'll pretty much cool off any relationship.
Hmm...after several different "experts" have told me I could wear either warm or cool foundation tones, I may have to order a bunch of samples from Alima and see for myself. I love id Mineral Veil, so if the foundation feels like that it's a go.
I like the way the Mineral Veil feels better than their Bare Minerals foundation but the Alima? Silkier and better.
Can't recall the tone [and by tone, I mean shade and by shade, I mean are you quite pale?] of your skin but I will bring samples of any that don't work for me to the F2F and dole them out to those who wish. This is one of those "turn two..." deals I think. Same with the eyeshadows. There is already one I thought I would love and it just doesn't play well on me.