Hey, JZ, remember back here JZ "Spike's Bitches 30: Going on Thirteen" May 6, 2006 9:09:24 am PDT, when you said:
Basic black silky-rayon evening dress (with sleeves!), could easily be tarted up witth lace or ribbons or whatnot, 44-45” bust, 36” waist: >[link]
Wanna help me tart it up?
Zmayhemette! Already making the world a better place through having such excellent nicknames.
Hmmm. Yarn.
My good news for the day: got the back steps and walkway swept and started a compost pile. After the sweeping, I fell down the back stairs while carrying the collected compost out to the new pile, hitting my back, breaking the compost container, and scattering decomposing matter all over the walkway. So, May 9, mixed reviews.
Ouch, -t. I hope you are okay.
I'm fine, Perkins, thanks. Just aggravated with myself. And a little smelly.
That I can fix, though.
-t, hope you are not hurt badly. It sounds worrying.
ETA: x-posty. Glad you are ok.
Actually -- depending on when you stop after
GiGi gets sent back to her Nanny, Christopher gets back into bed with Lorelai and puts his arm around her. Focus moves to Lorelai's face, which hasn't changed expression once -- then fade to black.
-t! "Mixed review" is a nice way to put it. Glad you're okay, if stinky.
sumit, you're right. Gee, it was only two hours ago and I've already forgotten stuff!
ion, I am wearing Meara's vest. Or - not vest, because you folks use vest to mean waistcoat. Er. Wifebeatery thingy? For girls? Whatever you call that? Anyway, it's green, and it goes with my skirt, and I wore it to school today. Yes
Er...it sounds nice, but how it's mine, I am befuddled...I left a tanktop there? But, ya know, if it gives you a frisson of buffistaporn, well...I'm all for it!
The Kinsey Scale is Fay's bitch.
I love this. Hee.
I have to admit, LEGO foreskins make me laugh and laugh.
This is such a wrong wrong thought.
My parents didn't know Hec existed until he asked me to marry him. That may be taking it a bit far, admittedly.
This is my plan. Until I marry Hec, my parents won't know that he...wait, something's wrong with that plan...
I was in a meeting from 7pm until a few minutes before 11. Most of it was not anything that actually directly involved me, but the organizer has been REALLY BAD this year about telling me shit, and so I was afraid if I left, she'd get into a conversation about shit that I need to know, and assume that because she told *someone*, I knew. Or that I didn't need to know. ARGH.
Now to watch Veronica Mars.
If my skin doesn't stop itching I may have to just discard it and get some new skin.