Took my truck in yesterday to investigate a weird rattling noise.
Diagnosis: catalytic converter is falling apart
Treatment: $634
I called around a bit to see if I could do any better.
Second opinion: $1091 (plus tax)
Well, so much for that one credit card that I had paid off.
It'd be un-American to actually ever get out of debt, right?
And I pretty much never volunteer SO-type info to my parents until it's A Thing. Too many questions during, and too many "What Happened?"s after otherwise.
Hil, in a pinch you could immobilise and compress with an Ace Bandage, until you can locate the real deal.
It'd be un-American to actually ever get out of debt, right?
This is my excuse from now on.
This is my excuse from now on.
Hey, I live to write bumper stickers. Or something.
Ha! Found it!
(buried in a pile of blankets at the foot of my bed. Not quite sure how it got there.)
I generally blame the pets for that sort of thing. Since you don't have any, you're welcome to blame mine.
Any Bay Area Peter Gallagher fans? He'll be at UC Berkeley on Thursday, handing out the Sandy Cohen Fellowship, again.
Any Bay Area Peter Gallagher fans? He'll be at UC Berkeley on Thursday, handing out the Sandy Cohen Fellowship, again.
During the day, I assume?
Note to self: Remember to get suddenly gravely ill Wednesday night.
I can't seem to keep anything from my mother. She knew about Dave when we hadn't actually met yet. Luckily she is in no hurry to marry me off.
Oh, yeah! But, see, apparently, I'm not trying hard enough. I should be sending out several e-mails an hour apparently. Oh, and why didn't I go with eHarmony? Don't they have better results? Even if they're more expensive...
I think I joined about ten different sites while I was looking. (Not eHarmony. It didn't impress me.) But I don't recommend it, as it's expensive, and most of the sites didn't do much for me. Ultimately I think about three sites were really worth it (including, of course, the sites on which I met AS and Wallybee respectively).
I have to admit, didn't impress me much. Not informative enough, and not that user-friendly. I found Yahoo Personals to work better. (The best site I'm on, RSVP, is I think Australian-only.)
It'd be un-American to actually ever get out of debt, right?
Incidentally, the Australian government is now out of debt for the first time since about 1975. The Budget was just handed down last night. The govt is responding with tax cuts for all (tiny American flags for others). Which is nice, but I think some planning for future deficits might have been a better idea.