That one was an argument for slowing things down.
Oh, yeah! But, see, apparently, I'm not trying hard enough. I should be sending out several e-mails an hour apparently. Oh, and why didn't I go with eHarmony? Don't they have better results? Even if they're more expensive...
Actually, I'd be in tears if this weren't so freaking funny.
This is why I NEVER tell my parents I'm seeing someone until it's gotten to being an actual "relationship," whatever that means.
My students have their final exam on Friday. I had two hours worth of office hours today. Only four students showed up. I'm betting I'm going to get a whole ton of panicked emails Wednesday night, asking to set up an appointment on Thursday.
This is why I NEVER tell my parents I'm seeing someone until it's gotten to being an actual "relationship," whatever that means.
That was my plan. I should have stuck with it. I just panicked, ya know?
So your dad is an expert on internet dating. Hmmmmmmmm.
Oh, my god, are they *ever* more expensive. So much more that even visiting that site should be an orgasmic experience...which, okay, if they had a "Love of Your Life or Die" guarantee, I'd be less likely to think twice about the fifty bucks, but, you know...
See, he submitted a job description to some very expensive higher education job sites today, so he completely gets how it is to "put yourself out there."
If it weren't contributing to your stress levels, this would be almost unbearably adorable. If your dad were here, I might have to pinch his cheeks.
If it weren't contributing to your stress levels, this would be almost unbearably adorable. If your dad were here, I might have to pinch his cheeks.
You know. It is kind of adorable. He's trying really hard. He means really well. It's just...he so doesn't get it.
I tried eHarmony, and the one guy I got along with got snapped up by someone else while we were talking. I did honestly wish the best for him. However, I found many of the guys suggested offputtingly shallow (like those that turned me down because I had no photo available at step 1--even though my profile said that my photo would be available at step 3, which was only a few exchanges down the road) and anal.
I've given up on the idea of internet dating anyway. I don't think it's my thing.
I do, however, like to tease my mother by saying "I'm spending time with this one guy" and then send her into a lather of "But! But!" by either explaining that it's just time, or by telling her strange details about him.