I tried eHarmony, and the one guy I got along with got snapped up by someone else while we were talking. I did honestly wish the best for him. However, I found many of the guys suggested offputtingly shallow (like those that turned me down because I had no photo available at step 1--even though my profile said that my photo would be available at step 3, which was only a few exchanges down the road) and anal.
I've given up on the idea of internet dating anyway. I don't think it's my thing.
I do, however, like to tease my mother by saying "I'm spending time with this one guy" and then send her into a lather of "But! But!" by either explaining that it's just time, or by telling her strange details about him.
This is why I NEVER tell my parents I'm seeing someone until it's gotten to being an actual "relationship," whatever that means.
Hil is me. My parents just don't need to know things.
I brought Scott home to meet my parents, the night I met him, where he proceeded to spend the entire time I was out of the room, telling her he had no plans to get married.
(I only brought him to the house that night, because he actually brought me home from the work party where we met, and we were going out again from there. I just wanted to change.)
I think my parents met Pete at one of the "Booze Up and Riot" WotC team morale events that were always held at my house.
My parents didn't know Hec existed until he asked me to marry him. That may be taking it a bit far, admittedly.
JZ, I told my father long ago that was my plan. He went ballistic. However, now that they live far away, I could tell them about him without them needing to meet him.
I'm with ita on eharmony. Incredibly shallow responses, one serious headcase that proved their 'stringent screening process' to be as stringent as swiss cheese and the guy I got on best with? Neglected to mention that he is currently living in Japan. After I said no thanks, he 'accidently' sent me a bunch of emails detailing his penchant for bondage. While there is nothing wrong with that...I'd already said no thanks!
While I didn't join meetup.com to hookup (dotcom), it sure worked for me. Those NYC matchmakers have a point. Similar interests and backgrounds go a long way toward building a harmonious union.
My parents knew Stephen existed at the serious bf stage, but didn't meet him until after we'd decided to get hitched. Not being a parent, I don't see a downside to this.
Or "you" if it's in the right tone of voice.
How you doin'?
I think I may have mentioned to my mother that there was an online guy I was keeping company with, a while before Daniel and I met in person. And then I told her I was moving.
With my friends, I was more cautious about talking about Daniel, because with the previous guy they made a big deal out of it, and then tried to tell me I was being too hard on him when I broke up with him. Ok, that was only the one friend, who has a horrendously immature brat for a husband. But still.
Or "you" if it's in the right tone of voice.
How you doin'?
Bwah! That might even work.