Well, there ya go: Just bolt all the baby furniture to the ceiling, install trapezes so she can get from room to room, and strap her into a safety harness. As an added bonus, by the time she's five, she will be able to support YOU by working with Cirque du Soleil.
Quick, somebody, hand this woman a genius grant. This is PERFECT.
The ads say that these are the Very Same Cows that started the whole thing back in Chicago.
They appear to be a little more flexible with the rules than subsequent iterations. There's a cow balancing on a ball on one foreleg, for example. She'll clearly be in the same Cirque du Soliel act as Halloweenie.
A friend sent me a link to The Brick Testament, [link] which is fun and educational! I have to admit, LEGO foreskins make me laugh and laugh. [link]
Are you sure the Lego foreskins aren't part of the Lego Porn pages?
And a decade later, she can be Batgirl.
OMG Zmayhem you have got to make Batgirl! I would be your fan for life! If I weren't that already.
Ok, it is extremely wrong that the bloodbath that is the Old Testament should be so funny as dramatized by Lego people. I should not be laughing at rape, slaughter and pillage.
Lego foreskins: gross and funny all at the same time.
I am so crampy today it's just not even funny. I want to go home and lay down with a heating pad.
Lego foreskins: gross and funny all at the same time.
The ratings made me laugh. Nudity! Violence! Hee.
I am so crampy today it's just not even funny.
Oh, man, me too. I am tempted to curl up in bed and not get up until tomorrow.
AmyLiz, let's get in bed with chocolate and DVDs and call it a day.