I received an email about the pretty pretty dress I ordered. Back-ordered until May 30. But I wanted it now!! I know, not an earth shattering problem, but still annoying. They shouldn't taunt me that way.
Enjoy the next few hours. I am reasonably close to finishing the last 3 work things on my critcal list. Then on to the urgent list. Sigh. I need a vacation. And I shall have one!
Tiptoes topless through the thread.
Where is everyone?
Tosses glitter and tiptoes out.
I'm here, though not really, since it is far too early for me to be here.
I'm here now. I have to leave for work soon. blecch.
Sighs and goes to wash glitter off work shoes.
DH's snoring woke me up to the realization that this darned headache has moved in to stay FOREVER.
Aidan got to ride the bus to school this morning. We thought he'd be leaving at about 8:30; the bus arrived at 8:50. He behaved really well, considering. Probably because I lay on the floor and kicked because I got up earlier than necessary. Kara is still asleep. I have had a cup of coffee and a pecan cookie for breakfast.
I am annoyed by the people who are supposed to be delivering Laura's dress. Big teases.
Can I go back to bed now?
Deena - I'm with you on the laying on the floor flailing cause you could have slept more. Tuesdays are my "late day" - instead of being at work at 6am, I'm not due in until 7am. And yet - I woke up earlier than usual.
Grrrrr arrrrrggggg.
I had to get up earlier than I planned because Nick had lost his wallet and had no ID. He's starting a new job today, so I had to dig out the back-up birth certificate and SSN card he'd lost and I'd found and hidden.
I had a hard time going to sleep last night, even though I was exhausted, and I had weird dreams that I was married to a Palestinian scientist with some sort of dinosaur DNA breakthrough and people were trying to kill me and our two children to control him or something. It was very strange and I was cranky when I woke because I wanted to know how it ended.
I was married to a Palestinian scientist with some sort of dinosaur DNA breakthrough
Was he hot?
Poor too early waking people. I too resent missed sleeping moments.
I had to get up earlier than I planned because Nick had lost his wallet and had no ID. He's starting a new job today, so I had to dig out the back-up birth certificate and SSN card he'd lost and I'd found and hidden.
I feel your pain. There are 3 lose things people in my house, and only 1 find things person. It gets old.
eta: squeeeee