I had to get up earlier than I planned because Nick had lost his wallet and had no ID. He's starting a new job today, so I had to dig out the back-up birth certificate and SSN card he'd lost and I'd found and hidden.
I had a hard time going to sleep last night, even though I was exhausted, and I had weird dreams that I was married to a Palestinian scientist with some sort of dinosaur DNA breakthrough and people were trying to kill me and our two children to control him or something. It was very strange and I was cranky when I woke because I wanted to know how it ended.
I was married to a Palestinian scientist with some sort of dinosaur DNA breakthrough
Was he hot?
Poor too early waking people. I too resent missed sleeping moments.
I had to get up earlier than I planned because Nick had lost his wallet and had no ID. He's starting a new job today, so I had to dig out the back-up birth certificate and SSN card he'd lost and I'd found and hidden.
I feel your pain. There are 3 lose things people in my house, and only 1 find things person. It gets old.
eta: squeeeee
It's my "late" morning as well. I should be jumping in the shower by now, but Byron has climbed up into my lap and is purring very earnestly. I am *so* tempted to just go back to sleep.
Byron telepathy cam:
Pet the cat. The cat is warm and soft. The cat is purring. The cat thinks you should sleep more. Pet the cat. Stay in bed with the cat.
Stop petting me and feed me now. Feed me. Good lord, woman, don't you recognize my "hungry" purr by now? Chop chop. Those cans aren't going to open themselves.
The news keeps talking about a 3 year old who found a gun, shot and killed a 20 year old.
This happened about 2 blocks from my house.
They can stop talking about it anytime.
Well, you know -- guns don't kill people; 3-year-olds kill people.
Tom, hee! But nah--this is definitely his "stay in bed" purr. His "feed me" vocalization is a very loud Siamese-sounding meow that he sounds every three seconds or so until he's been fed.
Oh Suzi--wow, I'm sorry. Just turn off the news.
I forgot my iPod at home, and with my headache it would be a bad idea anyway, so I have the radio on at work as I HAVE to have some kind of music around me.
Want me to call and sing to you, Suz?