Hasn't anyone sat her down and had a Very Stern Talk with her about such shenanigans yet?
Sigh. Sadly, the lure of walking and talking seems to be Very Strong Indeed, and she's morphing into a toddler before my eyes. Not that she walks yet unless she's holding onto something.
Sadly, the lure of walking and talking seems to be Very Strong Indeed
But it's so cute when she repeats noises! She says "raaar raaar raaar!" back to me now!
You made her so she growls?
t /buffy
OMG, I have to make my way up to the Seattle area just so I can meet Lily. I really want to see Lily and Isaac and Franny all playing together.
Also, just to warn you Plei, Lily is just entering into what I call the Zone of Cuteness. Nuthin's cuter than a toddler. From about 1 to about 2, 2 1/2 or so they just get cuter and cuter.
Nuthin's cuter than a toddler.
We learned this at dinner last night. Lethally cute, I tell you.
OMG, you mean she's going to get even cuter than she RIGHT NOW?
That's a lot of cute. Hopefully it doesn't happen too quickly, so people have time to prepare.
OMG, you mean she's going to get even cuter than she RIGHT NOW?
last night she started petting my hair and saying "Kitty!" (Apparently things she likes are kitties.) I looked at her and said "Meow!" She meowed back, and giggled. You have
no idea
of the level of cuteness bomb this is.