Cashmere! Oooh. Are you sleeping in, and having coffee that's still hot when you drink it, and eating your food while it's still warm?
Yes, yes and yes. AND laying by the pool reading a novel (The Historian) and DRINKING without worrying about having a hangover. Although I miss the babies, I did mention to my sister she may have to keep the kids a few extra days because I do love this resort.
The Historian
Tell me what you think of it when you're done. I mostly loved it.
Hey, quick question: anyone here watched
I've watched about the first half hour, and I find myself wanting to slap the two main characters. This does not bode well for continued watching. Is there a good reason to continue?
It really depends on your taste in flicks, bt. I enjoyed it but I also lived in the area it was filmed and love Thomas Hayden Church.
Is Jilli around? Something shiny I think you need is here:
Obviously you need to start krav! Then I will see you, and then we can do dinner.
I would love to! I'm happy to hear that the Valley location opened. I may ping you about that later.
Which in no way mitigates the fact we should do dinner.
Yes, this.
I have big Thomas Hayden Church love, but I barely was able to sit through the film. It had moments, but they were too few and far between for me.
Can't imagine why it did so well in awards, but then again I rarely understand those things.
Wow, go Jessica & E with the mad walking skillz. Enjoyed the pictures very much. Looks like a lovely day was had. Virtual foot rubs to you both.
related news, there's an interview with Paul Giamatti in The Believer where he outs himself as a serious sf/horror nerd who admits to having carnal thoughts while reading Lovecraft.
Emmett and I just got back from getting another Tin Tin. (He's jonesing hard. No, he hasn't discovered Asterix yet.) He earned it by drilling me with a line drive (tennis ball) as we were practicing with his new bat. (Getting the hitter to drive the ball up the middle is a classic way to correct their swing, as it forces the batter to keep his head in, eyes on ball and get the bat-head out in front of the plate.)
On the way back, I pointed out a dress in a window. It was black and had a print made of skulls.
Me: "Ooh, skully!"
Emmett: "Jilli might like that."
Hey, quick question: anyone here watched Sideways? I've watched about the first half hour, and I find myself wanting to slap the two main characters.
I found it maddening in the I-want-to-punch-these-guys sense, though there are a few nice moments scattered throughout. I don't know that those few moments are worth sticking with the movie, though, especially if you rented it or it's on TV. I saw it in the theatre, so I stayed for the whole thing, just on principle.
But I have no desire/need/plan to watch it again. And I'm a serious wine junkie, so that's saying a lot.
AND laying by the pool reading a novel (The Historian)
Is that a vampire one? I think I bought it for my aunt, for Christmas. I stopped by her house today, after my friend's brother's wake. I've been meaning to ask her if I could borrow it. (I hope I'm not thinking of a completely different book).