I am also currently in desperation over what to do for mom for mother's day. I'd go down to CT, or invite her up here (the local museum is having a nice-sounding brunch) but I have to finish up my final exam for class, which involves 2 ~5-page essays. My sister is sending flowers, and I'd like to send her something else. Blah. I feel terrible that I can't be with her. Anyway.
This has been a nice weekend so far. Friday, Tom and I celebrated Cinco de Mayo/ 4 years since he kissed me and won my heart by meeting at the Cambridge Brewing Company, a local brewpub which was coincidentally celebrating their 17 year anniversary with SEVENTEEN different brews. Also, NERAX is this weekend, so beer geeks a-plenty in town. Then we went to Oleanna, where... oh, my. I'll be dining on those memories for weeks.
Yesterday, we slept in and went to a local legend of a breakfast place, Red's Sandwich Shop, and then strolled over to the new "Painting Summer in New England" exhibit at the Peabody Essex Museum, a museum that totally just effing ROCKS. Then we went to the Salem beerworks and had a large glass of their anniversary brew, the Essex Broadside, a double ESB of maximum yumminess.
Then, food shopping. We enjoyed the samples of pate and spanish cheese (names escape me now) so much that we decided to get that for dinner, along with some antipasto and a warm baguette. So we nibbled on that watching Friday's creeeeeeeeeeepy Dr. Who and drank some Gritty McDuff's Best Bitter beer.
After lounging about a bit, we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to redeem a $100 gift card won through accumulating points on our Citi card, and since it's basically "bonus" money, we used it for fun stuff we wouldn't normally get... so it was a fun shopping trip on a Saturday night.
Today it looks to be a beautiful day, and we have no plans except to grill burgers for lunch and butterfly and grill a whole chicken with tandoori spices for dinner. We also bought some fiddleheads to cook up for dinner as well.
This weekend in Somerville was Open Studios as well as NERAX. We decided not to go to either because I didn't want to spend the weekend remembering how cool Somerville is and getting sad about not being there... I wanted us to enjoy our new hometown!