I'm not as bad with heights as I once was.
Going to Macchu Piccu helped a lot. I could either enjoy myself or miss out and I learned to trust the stones beneath my feet as I scrambled over them. The Inca knew their bidness and those things had been there a thousand years or so. And I was oxygen deprived.
I don't like heights at all. I was able to concur the fear enough to climb around in the back room of a store I worked at. I hate bridges. There's one close to here (that luckily I only deal with a few times during the summer) that gives me queasy.
Needles didn't bother me until I got older. As a kid it was fun to watch my blood getting drawn but not anymore. I have to turn my head and try and think of happy, slashy thoughts.
I just skipped like a thing that skips. What's going on folks? I'm stuck in a tech rehearsal.
Well, there's some fuzzy guy in a skirt skipping...
Well, I just got back from Walmart (Target was closed. Gods I miss 24-hour stores). I bought...stuff. Some of which I needed, some not so much. Ok, really, most of it not so much. I should start coloring now. After I get a drink (I neither drink nor eat in the immediate vicinity of the coloring). And DVDs. Both of which require standing up.
I also got my signed-by-both-parties contract copy in the mail today, so I guess I'm really, truly, officially employed.
Congrats on the employment.
Your coloring sounds almost as exciting as my sitting here waiting for my next cue to hit. This show has maybe 30 sound cues in it, though I doubt even that many. As such, I've got a two hour ambience cue rolling right now and am just killing time until we get to the next cue.
It's also very warm in this theatre.
my air conditioning is still not working.
a few days ago, my "studying" was coloring in a venn diagram of different types of matroids. I'd kind of hit an "i don't want to look at this anymore, but i'll feel like i'm slacking if i actually walk away from it" point.
anyone know how many motrin are safe to take? i'm up to 3, and they don't seem to be doing much.