Anne, I'm not too worried. According to the HUD inspector, we paid 4k less than it was worth. I'm pretty impressed with Zillow, though. At least it's close.
I had carpal tunnel and the doctor gave me some simple exercises, but I had to wear the braces too. I need to dig them out again.
Are you going to be at the F2F, Deena? I can't remember, and I'm too lazy to check further back up the thread to check.
Isn't zillow teh shiznit?
Cool, althtough mildly creepy zeroing on the house I grew up in (Like Hey! What happened to privacy?), then arguing in my head with it about why the house next door to Mom which is smaller, until recently had one less bathroom, had a leaking roof in the new bath 'cuz of shoddy workmanship, and has the most horrifyingly hideous front-yard treatment EVER could conceivably be worth like 20 grand more than ours.
are the details the satellites can't give you.
Off to Baltimore for the weekend, y'all. See you Sunday.
Zillow is sadly useless for NYC -- according to them, there are no homes at all in my neighborhood, let alone any for sale. (Which may be true of single-family detached homes, but I can look out my window and see a "For Sale by Owner" sign on a fucking beautiful brownstone, so...)
I'd just about sell my soul for a brownstone in this neighborhood. Sadly, the sellers are probably looking for money.
Wow. I just took a three-hour nap. I am full of gronk.
::holds up an indeterminate collection of fingers:: Buffista honor!
That looks remarkably like "The Shocker", AmyLiz.
Argh, missed Anne's question. Yes, I will be at the F2F. I'm not talking about it much for fear of jinxing it.
Yeah, Zillow gives me a value for this house that dates back to tax assessment done in the early 90s -- peoples elsewhere report that it's got last month's improvements and their sale prices within a hundred bucks. I'm putting it in the "wildly variable" column until further notice.
Still, thanks to all for all the reassurances. Am off to send totally dorky "Hi, I got your name from so-and-so" emails to assorted dudes. Umm, sometime this weekend.
Argh, missed Anne's question. Yes, I will be at the F2F. I'm not talking about it much for fear of jinxing it.
Whoot! ::Doing the "I get to meet Deena!" Dance!:: Quietly. So as to not attract the Fates' attention.