Yeah, Zillow gives me a value for this house that dates back to tax assessment done in the early 90s -- peoples elsewhere report that it's got last month's improvements and their sale prices within a hundred bucks. I'm putting it in the "wildly variable" column until further notice.
Still, thanks to all for all the reassurances. Am off to send totally dorky "Hi, I got your name from so-and-so" emails to assorted dudes. Umm, sometime this weekend.
Argh, missed Anne's question. Yes, I will be at the F2F. I'm not talking about it much for fear of jinxing it.
Whoot! ::Doing the "I get to meet Deena!" Dance!:: Quietly. So as to not attract the Fates' attention.
Congrats on the job, Spidra!
Spidra! That's fantastic! Welcome to the exciting world of .edu!
Yay, Spidra! Yay, job! Yay, salary not-haggling!
Spidra, that's wonderful!
Great great news today for Spidra and KateFate coming to the F2F afterall.
Thank you jobma and anonymous benefactors!