McDonald's here is serving a dessert that's one of their fried pies (cherry or chocolate) with softserve all over it, and the whole thing covered in hot fudge. Is Mickey D's in the States serving this? Shouldn't it be illegal?
no, it should be given to eveyrone every day!
God, I miss McDonald's old apple pies. They were the best. The new baked ones are pale, pale imitations.
Alima. I think they're out of PDX, in fact.
Samples! Shiny! And they are PDX-based so shipping should be a snap. Thanks!
I likely will order five foundations to find the right color. Which will sooo be worth it if I find the perfect foundation. And maybe some eyeshadows...
God, I miss McDonald's old apple pies. They were the best. The new baked ones are pale, pale imitations.
it's the one reason that I will go into a McDonald's in a foreign country, they still fry the pies overseas.
it's the one reason that I will go into a McDonald's in a foreign country, they still fry the pies overseas.
I am now tempted to stow away on the next ship headed for Europe...
Much Job~ma for Stephen!
I'm busy. Monday's are too busy. Sigh.
Askey - that is just....boggle.
I sort of make it a point to visit McDonald's in every country (if they have one)'s my own personal Big Mac Index. Here they've got a McGreek (which is the McDonald's version of souvlaki and to be avoided), espresso, an interesting seafood menu for Lent, and of course, the Artery Buster Parfait.
Did I mention a couple weeks ago that I got caterpillared? Broke out all over with something like chicken pox? These are the little bastards: [link]
Job~ma, Stephen!
Er, temp~ma, for askye. Or possibly sense of the appropriate~ma for the temp. Whatever gets him to keep his side of public phone conversations to, "Uh-huh."
My mom's back in the hospital. The new (and allegedly improved) round of chemo led to [clinical ick]copious vomiting and the medical folks are worried about dehydration and the like. Probably nothing serious, but it's not like unexpected hospitalizations are ever happy things.
Suz! How are you?
I just ran out of foundation this morning and I couldn't find the same kind at Walgreen's the last time I looked. I hope I don't have to search for new base.