Look forward to seeing the dress, beth. Hope you continue to avoid the mumps, Erin.
Argh. Finally having had enough of the weight gain and other side-effects of my insulin issues, I'm going low sugar again. I was really good about it for 3 years, lost 55 lbs. and kept it off for 3 years...then my stress level went from high to exponentially high. I fell off the wagon and have made several attempts to get back on ever since. I gained back 3/4 of the weight I lost. And started having symptoms of other sorts.
In two weeks I'm going to Austin to visit friends from another web board. There is a big potluck planned with Texas BBQ, pecan pie, etc. etc. Holy crap, that's going to be hard. But it never gets much easier. If you do this stuff, you pretty much always have to turn down such goodies. I hope I get some results quickly enough to keep me motivated. Being able to fit into some of my old clothes would certainly make me feel better.
Beth, thanks for the link. I didn't know so many people could be symptom free. I'll have to share that delicious little tidbit with my principal tomorrow.
God, I fucking hate shots. When I had to have that little lump taken out of my arm a couple of years ago, my dr. prescribed a Valium pre-surgery. She did it in her office, with a local, but I HATE needles, and they make me so sick, sick, sick. It's weird -- I can watch people be cut, or sutured and it's ok...but drawing blood or injections -- make me woozy and naseauous.
My stupid boobs seem to have grown a stupid cup size, and I so can't afford to be buying new bras right now.
And that ends my girly TMI rant for the day.
No offense, Jars, but I always forget that you are a woman.
That post freaked me right out.
I hear they shrink in cold water.
Nope, that's penises. Oh, yeah, they shrink in HOT water!
Nope, that's cotton. I got huthin.
Eeep Mumps! Eeep Ticks! Eeep Growing Boobs! This is a scary place!
Except for Emmett, who is so not scary but totally adorable in that picture.
No offense, Jars, but I always forget that you are a woman.
Heh. Me too, a lot of the time. Stupid boobs.
North American Fruit Explorers
Sounds almost unbelievably cool to me. I wish some of them would stop by in the fall and take away the 400 lbs. of quince that falls into my yard.
Laura! I just checked my mail. You sweet thang! Thank you for the sweeter-than-pie note and the Swagnet! I'm so sad I won't be coming to the F2F!!!
Smooches back at ya! Ya know it isn't likely I'm going to be vacationing in KC any time soon, but you can always visit me in Florida.