I'd just go read a book or take a nap.
I'd watch for the bits with Logan emoting. Oh, okay, I
watch for the bits with Logan emoting. Also because I have a compulsion to know. Sometimes things become uninteresting to know as well as to watch (like Desperate Housewives). Most of what I watch falls into one or both of those categories of interesting.
So tune out, ita. Stargate sucks.
Any fifteen minutes of Comedy Central is more original.
You know what's better than I expected? (ita, avert your eyes) - egg salad on reduced fat Triscuits. I have no actual bread, so that was my substitute. Pretty tasty.
So tune out, ita. Stargate sucks.
Remember what I said about proselytising? Tune out of what? Stargate? Oh, hells no. I like that show, and sometimes I love it. Why would I tune out?
If you were telling me to tune out of Veronica Mars, that'd make more sense. But, as I said, sometimes I watch to know. And I like knowing about Veronica Mars. So I won't tune out of that for the nonce.
Strega, how do you believe they can explain the numbers without the supernatural, or do you think that not explaining the numbers counts as not involving the supernatural?
I wonder if they'll have
two explanations, ita, one
that could be accepted by
men of science
another that can be accepted by men of faith.
The only thing is, that smells like no actual explanation for
people of the audience,
but my approach to it is nearly the same as my approach to 24. Enjoy the suspense and the pretty.
It's my attention span. Rob Thomas is willing to set things up and not knock them over for months (although he's got a pretty good batting average for actually knocking them over). I just do not have that level of attention to invest in any show, so what's a big payoff for the ardent fans is "Oh, that. I think I read fan conjecture on it one time." for me.
24, on the other hand is wham bam with the set them up, knock them down cycle. It's an adrenaline game, and I enjoy that, although I'd never call it quality. But I rarely even have time to think meta until the hour's over. And by then I don't care so much.
Prison Break does a decent adventure serial job of the weekly cliffhanger plus odd twisty bits from three eps ago.
I miss Alias having that pacing. Oh, man, for pretty and explosions and "Ooh! Cool!" it was something.
For slower TV...nothing's gotten me much since Wonderfalls or Firefly, I don't think. But my brain's swiss cheese. How else can I explain forgetting that Lorne was both a) green and b) a regular in a TV series I watched?
(ita, avert your eyes)
That's not enough notice! Uh, not that I wouldn't have highlighted anyway if you'd spoilerfonted it.
Yeah, I was debating just putting it out there in hopes that you'd skim right on by, but what with it being in the middle of a TV shows discussion, I thought that was kind of unfair. It's so hard navigating the Natter stream sometimes. Still... tasty!
I'm not sure why egg salad strikes me as the nastiest of eggy things...I think it's the subterfuge. Crême brulée is similarly tricksy, but it's prettier. The whole "I'm a salad! Well, not salad salad, but more like tuna salad. You like tuna, don't you? Mmm! Oh, but just imagine the tuna replaced with EGG!" And then I wake up screaming.
eta: eggs in their shells are pretty. They're what you use to make cakes and cookies and pancakes. It's easy to disbelieve in the boiling of them then.
I thought creme brulee (too lazy for the characters) was the same consistency as flan for the longest time. I don't like flan. Then a friend cleared it all up for me and I actually tried creme brulee. Oh, so good. It was an epiphany.