A Stewart had responded, and through months of discussion there was no indication that they had not booked the Stewart they wanted, officials said.
That guy was on the news this morning - says he told them and told them and they kept insisting he was the guy they wanted.
Is Kathy A around? I have a question about the IL State Tax efile thingy.
I'm here, Sumi! Whatcha need to know?
I need to work. I keep distracting myself by watching the big fat bumblebees in the flowers outside my window. They're cute! And bigger than the flowers.
That guy was on the news this morning - says he told them and told them and they kept insisting he was the guy they wanted.
The Daily Show should book him as a guest. Introduce him as the "Wrong Jon Stewart".
t crosspost
Heh. I like JZs correction of my typo better than mine.
The Daily Show would book him as a guest.
Make that "The Daily Show
book him as a guest."
Fashion commentary:
It is not the year for gauchos. Last year wasn't and next year won't be. It is never the year for gauchos. Really.
If you're making a bra with a DD cup, it really doesn't need to be padded. There really is too much of a good thing.
That's all.
If you're making a bra with a DD cup, it really doesn't need to be padded. There really is too much of a good thing.
If you're making a bra with a AA or A cup, not all of them have to be padded. Some women don't mind, or know we aren't fooling anyone.
I am leaving work early today because I have a Dr. appointment. Lucky me! In fact, I'm leaving in 30 minutes! Extra long weekend for me! (by 2 hours)
But it's the year of the anti-nipple. For some women it takes padding to achieve this.
The gaucho and high boot trend is one even I notice, and I really hate it. A relative of it is pinstriped culottes over stilettoed boots, worn usually with a thin sweater and newsboy cap. I've yet to see this on anyone not Asian. Which is weird.
It is not the year for gauchos. Last year wasn't and next year won't be. It is never the year for gauchos. Really.
*pout* My new favorite pants are my gauchos. They are kind of flippy and I wear them with my Chucks. :)