WASHINGTON, May 13 — Some of President Bush's most influential conservative Christian allies are becoming openly critical of the White House and Republicans in Congress, warning that they will withhold their support in the midterm elections unless Congress does more to oppose same-sex marriage, obscenity and abortion...
Yeah, because right now, those issues should be our biggest priorities. @@
ION, Why are alligators eating people?
Also, chimp attacks have increased....
Oh Cash, its the sweetest article in the world. They're talking about pulling support in the midterm elections over it.
I love that the religious wackos thought this could be "fixed" in a term or two. I love how the Republicans assumed they could count on this big old voting block as if it were an actual politicaly entity with a clue -- imagine! The religious right includes a bunch of impatient self-centered reactionary babies! Who'd a thunk it? "Do what we want RIGHT NOW or we're not endorsing you SO THERE".
Just watched GA. Decided I deserved it since today is going to be way too long.
I need to check my TiVo to make sure I get it tonight instead of 24. Dayum.
Okay--unto the breach.
Okay--unto the breach.
Wach out for alligators and chimps....
What I want to know is how the Presidential address is going to FRELL my tv viewing: Prison Break and HIMYM both have season finales tonight.
I know that the Oprah thing that was going to be on before the GA finale has been switched to next week -- but what about PB??
GA: I was really hoping that when
Izzie was having her freak out and started leaning in close to Denny that he'd slap her. I know he doesn't have much strength but still... maybe it would have helped.
I know it's a soap opera and they aren't supposed to act like real people but in addition to Izzie's madness Christina really pissed me off. There are people with serious gunshot wounds that need a doctor and you're having a hissy fit because your boyfriend didn't take you with him to get the heart.
I understand her wanting to
do the cool surgeries but that just was unreal and I understand he was punishing her but still...Gunshot people! Right there!
Addison and Bailey were acting right at all. Good on Addison for calling Derek & Meredith on their bullshit. Even if it's going to wreck her life.
How can Denny help but think, "Izzy, you're a psycho" and break it off? Seriously. Crazy people.
lisah, about Christina:
I brushed off her tantrum about the heart because I saw it more as Burke remaining angry with her than about the actual trip. Technically, he probably should have brought another intern because she's already had the experience. But, I am trying to figure out why he is so ticked at her still. He's forgiven a lot worse, IMO.
Trudy -- what. you. said. Also,
- I was hoping that he would
tackle her
or something to
prevent her
cutting that line.
But I can understand why he couldn't believe that somebody would do that.