Yikes on the scary weather.
Sewing-types: I have a pair of sweatpants that I love, but are $26 a pair to buy. Is there any way to reverse-engineer them without taking them apart? They seem to be made of exactly 2 pieces of fabric, which makes me think they'd be wicked easy to replicate.
You would have to be sure and use a good stretch stitch on that type of fabric. Pay attention to the direction of the fabric. Straight cut or bias cut. Other than that I would think just laying them out like a pattern and adding the right amount for seams and the waist would work fine.
Perkins, good point! It's true though, that the characters have little clue as to whether or not time is of the essence.
In the girl's case, the publicity brought in the previous victim of
the procurer (don't know what better to call him)
who definitely came forward based on what she saw. And in the case of the black kid, publicity might have gotten the friend of the junkie father's to come forward instead of the agents having to run him down, which might have moved the case forward faster.
It's a tough call, either way.
I am definitely jealous of the family flea! I need someone to make me pie. And/or ice cream.
Lynn Whitfield is another one who needs to lay off the plastic surgery, huh?
I'm jealous of family flea too. We just had a lovely mother's day dinner of pork loin roast, roasted potatoes, and asparagus, with a special baked pudding for dessert. It was yummy, but the only thing is I was the one who made it. Tired now. But it was a good mother's day. The kids have been in extra adorable mode all day.
The kids have been in extra adorable mode all day.
As well they should be!
About Survivor:
Whoever said Cerie must be out, and that's why they made it a cliffhanger, was right. Bummer! She's still smiley, though. Love Cerie.
I had pancakes. It was good. There was also bacon. And sausages.
Now I need to buy comics and drugs. Such is my day.
I think I am going to go get Thai food, since that's what I really want.
It will be a new restaurant though. Hope it's not too scary.
The kids have been in extra adorable mode all day.
good kids - one of our friends stopped by with his son for a while - because son was being way difficult to mom today.
I talked to my mom, who was very busy doing things like laundry . Why? because she and my Dad are heading to a town in MS to help with rebuildingsome houses that were damaged by Katrina. this is way cool. I did, of course, make fun of her for doing laundry for clothes that are going to get fithy anyway.
Beth, I'm sure T is enjoying the ride. And it's very good of Matt to induct him into the confraternity of luthiers.
I spent the afternoon watching a run of Buffy season 6 (Doublemeat Palace to Older and Far Away) and eating way too much tasty Cowgirl Creamery cheese. I may have to pick some up for the hospitality suite, because it needs to be shared. So yummy.
It's very hot in the East Bay today--summer is upon us. And in my shorts, my legs are omg terrifyingly white. Fishbelly white. So attractive.
Survivor finale = surprisingly dramatical.