The kids have been in extra adorable mode all day.
good kids - one of our friends stopped by with his son for a while - because son was being way difficult to mom today.
I talked to my mom, who was very busy doing things like laundry . Why? because she and my Dad are heading to a town in MS to help with rebuildingsome houses that were damaged by Katrina. this is way cool. I did, of course, make fun of her for doing laundry for clothes that are going to get fithy anyway.
Beth, I'm sure T is enjoying the ride. And it's very good of Matt to induct him into the confraternity of luthiers.
I spent the afternoon watching a run of Buffy season 6 (Doublemeat Palace to Older and Far Away) and eating way too much tasty Cowgirl Creamery cheese. I may have to pick some up for the hospitality suite, because it needs to be shared. So yummy.
It's very hot in the East Bay today--summer is upon us. And in my shorts, my legs are omg terrifyingly white. Fishbelly white. So attractive.
Survivor finale = surprisingly dramatical.
T is still here. They are haveing too much fun -
I was wondering why there was no
about pt 1 of the GA finale, but you guys haven't had it yet, have you?
Nope, Sue. Doesn't start until 7:00 board time, even on the East Coast.
It has to hurry up and start, I need someone to squee with.
More Survivor: Holy crap, Aras looks shockingly different all filled out.
I meant that as a reaction neutral word. I'm not saying anything...