Jack can be a downright bastard, at times, but you can see how his job puts him in frustrating situations.
One thing I really do like about
is that I rarely have any certainty about where an episode is going. The victim can turn up alive, turn up dead, turn out to be the perpetrator, any given suspect could be a red herring. And any flashback can be a lie!
I have to admire a show like that.
I've always thought that Jack was
a little ragey. And also, not so much with playing by the rules. Though he seemed to get a little more chipper with the new gf so I was concerned that Maverick!Jack was gone for good. Or, at least, until the gf dies horribly.
WAT: I think it was the
because I think
her situation
was more precarious what with the
stranger danger stuff.
Was the
Lynn Whitfield
character brought in just for this episode? Or do we think that
is going to continue to be around to make
Jack's life at work
even more difficult?
Van Doren has been Jack's supervisor since Season 1. She only appears every now and then.
I didn't know that, Kristen, about the
Lynn Whitfield character.
I've only been watching consistently since mid last season.
I agree with your whitefont about Jack. I think the
chipper is going to lead to a bigger explosion, if it happens.
Sumi, I agree with your whitefont too.
One thing I really do like about WAT is that I rarely have any certainty about where an episode is going. The victim can turn up alive, turn up dead, turn out to be the perpetrator, any given suspect could be a red herring. And any flashback can be a lie!
Yep. I kind of feel like they played it a little safe here though, since what ever happened had probably already happened
by the time either was reported missing, so everything about the institutional racism was irrelevant to the actual fates of the kids.
My goodness, there are some dramatic pictures of MA (downtown Peabody in flood [link] ). Meanwhile, all 3 major networks in NC are pre-empting programming to threaten us with tornadoes.
After my nap, should I go to Trader Joe's, so that I have something to eat for dinner and can buy stuff for the F2F, which I need to give to Deb by tomorrow evening, or should I order Chinese food for dinner and wait and go to TJs on the way to work tomorrow so that I have less chance of either eating it or forgetting the food?
eta ACK, Flea. I hope everything is okay in NC, and in MA.
We had a little hail earlier, but the bad stuff is 20 miles south of us at the moment.
Now you must all be jealous, because mr. flea made us a mixed berry pie with lattice crust and homemade vanilla ice cream for Mother's day. It's gooooooood.
Yikes on the scary weather.
Sewing-types: I have a pair of sweatpants that I love, but are $26 a pair to buy. Is there any way to reverse-engineer them without taking them apart? They seem to be made of exactly 2 pieces of fabric, which makes me think they'd be wicked easy to replicate.
You would have to be sure and use a good stretch stitch on that type of fabric. Pay attention to the direction of the fabric. Straight cut or bias cut. Other than that I would think just laying them out like a pattern and adding the right amount for seams and the waist would work fine.