Tom was scooping up water out of our basement and hauling it up 2 flights of stairs about 25 times, and then realized that the water from our condo neighbor's basement was flowing in as fast as he could haul it out. Very discouraging, poor guy. Thankfully, the area the water leaks is in the part of the basement that doesn't have much stuff in it except broken down cardboard boxes and paint cans on raised metal shelves.
This rain is of the total SUCK.
Poor floody people! That sucks.
OK. I just bought nearly the worst tickets ever to Vegas (one way on Air Tran, the other way on Frontier, but at least it's out of and into the airport closest to me), but the prices just kept going up!
So, anyone want to write a conclusion for my paper? I don't wanna. I don't have anything left to say!
I'll do that if you come do all my laundry, Jesse.
"So, in conclusion, I don't have anything left to say. Please to give me my degree now, KTHXBI!!!"
"So, in conclusion, EAT ME!!!"
Perkins, I'm afraid I would need to do my own laundry first in order to be able to come out there to do yours.
OK, here's what I have so far: "So, in conclusion, EAT ME!!! Please to give me my degree now, KTHXBI!!!!" I like it.
OK, here's what I have so far: "So, in conclusion, EAT ME!!! Please to give me my degree now, KTHXBI!!!!" I like it.
You forgot to mention zombies, monkies, or Ninjas though, Jesse.
It's like I don't know you people at all.
Perkins, I'm afraid I would need to do my own laundry first in order to be able to come out there to do yours.
Jesse, I'll come over and do your laundry if you come over to my place and drain my basement.
The one that doesn't exist.
Your offer is intriguing, Theo. Especially if your basement doesn't exist...
You forgot to mention zombies, monkies, or Ninjas though, Jesse.
Sweet! "So, in conclusion, EAT ME!!! Beware of zombies in all that you do. Also, monkeys, like ninjas, are mammals. Please to give me my degree now, KTHXBI!!!!" That's like a full paragraph now!