Thanks, Jess! I'll have to give extra diligence to make sure my VCR is set for Sunday. I am curious to see if
can actually win it. I don't think
been paying enough attention to the jury math and
been screwed on that point since the jury started building, but then
he also hasn't really screwed anybody over, which can't necessarily be said of any of the other three.
I think
Aras' own arrogance may wind up biting him in the ass, but I also think the rest of his old team is too stupid to realize they really should give the money to the one guy who totally dominated their asses, and kind of deserves it at this point.
Survivor is so much more fun when everybody is really stupid and obnoxious.
Huh, really? My Tivo cut off the promo (and I never watch commercials anyway). Sounds like marketing and post weren't speaking to each other that day.
I can't remember if I closed my bedroom sliding glass door. And there are supposed to be thunderstorms this afternoon.
I don't think there is anything over there that would be damaged....
ION, Friday Cephalopod: Chordates beware!
Poor chordate. But then again, a cephalopod's gotta eat....
There was a quote from a dumbass college student in this morning's paper ("I just don't believe in the right to privacy in this country," in context meaning he doesn't consider it a defensible right.) I wish I was evil enough to call him up and scream Ben Franklinisms at him.
Jon Stewart had one of the more prominent neo-con thinktankers last night who was very down on Bush and what he's done.
sarameg -- what would be really evil is to break into his house and leave a note for him.
I was surprised to find out that investigations of possible terrorists can involve "sneak and peek" warrants, where they search your house while you're out
and never tell you about it
-- until, possibly, you're arrested.
I mean, seriously -- they don't even leave a note. So if they don't find anything to charge you with, you might think you've been burglarized by a particularly stupid burglar who just moved your stuff around a little and went through your drawers and files.
I'm kinda surprised that most Americans approve of the government examining their phone records.
Americans by nearly a 2-1 ratio call the surveillance of telephone records an acceptable way for the federal government to investigate possible terrorist threats, expressing broad unconcern even if their own calling patterns are scrutinized.
Sure... but they mostly called people they
would like it.
you might think you've been burglarized by a particularly stupid burglar who just moved your stuff around a little and went through your drawers and files.
What happens when you report it to the police? Do they know to not investigate?