I think Hillary is the Dem's default candidate right now, but I sure hope they find somebody else. Nothing the Republicans could do would mobilize their base more than Hillary. The Right seems to think she's the antichrist.
This. I know big chunks of the Left like the idea, but I think it would be political suicide.
This. I know big chunks of the Left like the idea, but I think it would be political suicide.
Completely agree.
What about Bill Richardson from New Mexico?
I know big chunks of the Left like the idea, but I think it would be political suicide.
I'm not sure sure about the left liking Hillary anymore -- she's been centerizing herself pretty effectively. A lot of people I know are pissed off at her.
I've heard Joe Manchin of West Virginia mentioned, don't know jack about him though.
I think a Hillary Candidacy is a myth from the right that she might believe.
Obama has said repeatedly that he will not run in '08 and, this may be naive, I believe him.
I sure hope he doesn't. I want that man fixing this country for YEARS. If he's President now his politcal life ends in eight years and it's easier to treat him like a token while he's in office.
I'm not sure sure about the left liking Hillary anymore -- she's been centerizing herself pretty effectively.
It's kind of the worst of both worlds, she's not especially progressive, but she has this weird public image of being left of Karl Marx.
Unfortunately, I think Boxer's been pretty effectively demonized as well. An openly, unapologetically lefty Marin County woman? No fucking chance, no way. Which is sad, because I think she's smart and a good, effective senator. I just can't imagine she's electable on a national scale, which is the nation's loss.
I'm sitting in the Gud and Sean corner on Hillary; making her the nominee would be incredibly, epically stupid and suicidal.
I am probably the biggest dork on the planet, but I'm partly secretly hoping that Al Gore steps up to the plate. He
elected, after all; he totally owes us at least four years.
but she has this weird public image of being left of Karl Marx.
Yeah, but these days it can really feel like anyone even slightly left of center is actually left of Karl Marx. The debate has coarsened somewhat.
We need to quit dicking around with senators and find a governor.
Frmr. Gov. Mark Warren of Virginia.
Southern. Democrat. Middleground. Now where have I seen that before?
I just think we're not going to win anything at all. All my positive hopes and dreams have been dashed.
Nah, Clinton came out of nowhere and won against Bush Sr. and Bush Sr.'s war in the Middle East went a lot better than Bush the lesser's.