Turns out you're right about the milk. But the real problem seems to be that portion labels on foods don't necessarily have anything to do with USDA portions. The graph on the 2nd page of this link (PDF) is kind of crazy: [link]
Pancakes are meant to be eaten only in tiny tiny bites!
Personally, my food-pyramid WTF is that 1 slice of bread is a serving. So a sandwich is 2 servings of grain! All those poor people eating bran muffins because they think they have to. Little do they know!
3 oz of meat is a deck of cards.
Why did no one save me from the horror that is the OC?? I realize food is important, but still!
Why did no one save me from the horror that is the OC??
Because I stopped watching yonks ago. The eye rolling was exhausting.
You are our sacrifice. You watch it for us and summarize so we don't have to!
Man, I wish they'd make up their minds about the salmon. I've been craving lox for ages, but I distinctly remember two different MD-vetted websites strongly cautioning against it.
My memory is that the problem with salmon is that they use antibiotics in farmed salmon. There are also high levels of some plastic (PCBEs maybe? dunno). It's not a mercury issue.
Jesse, I liked the end of the season more than the start.
I have started buying baby apples. That's the serving size for me. When I get mildly hungry, a whole apple is too much.
Well, lookee there. Time to sling the pizza in for reheating, and to take more pills.
Restaurant portions are insane. The BF and I now routinely order one entree and split it when going to dinner. That way we each get a more reasonable portion AND save money.
I'm afraid my newfound dislike of
Samaire Armstrong is making me hate Anna more than I normally would, but I'm not 100% sure. I still like Navi Rawat a surprising amount, though.
But if
Summer doesn't get expelled from school for being noticably drunk at the Prom,
I'm afraid my eyes will roll straight out of my head.
Since I eat fish very rarely in general (it's expensive and I don't live near the ocean), I revel in my annual or biennial swordfish or tuna steak.
But then, in general I have become even more blase about what to do and not do in pregnancy this time around (I never have liked sushi anyway!) and I figure I'm probably doing more harm to my unborn child by eating Ding Dongs than anything else.