Since I eat fish very rarely in general (it's expensive and I don't live near the ocean), I revel in my annual or biennial swordfish or tuna steak.
But then, in general I have become even more blase about what to do and not do in pregnancy this time around (I never have liked sushi anyway!) and I figure I'm probably doing more harm to my unborn child by eating Ding Dongs than anything else.
I look to be good for fish consumption on everything other than lobster based on that list. And luckily, price very effectively keeps me below 12 oz. weekly on that.
Happy Birthday!
May you have every joy and happiness you wish.
I'm afraid my newfound dislike of []
I still like [] a surprising amount
I have no idea who these people are!!!
You know, I live less than 5 miles from the ocean, and probably 1/2 mile from two different estuarine rivers (okay both of them with a history of desperate pollution), and fish is wicked expensive here too. I can find rabbit in my grocery store cheaper (per pound) than almost all kinds of fish and shellfish. What is up with that??
Not that I dislike rabbit, but. Fish shouldn't be $6/lb. unless it is covered with gold.
I've been craving lox for ages, but I distinctly remember two different MD-vetted websites strongly cautioning against it.
Is that because of stuff in the fish or possible listeria risk?
There are also high levels of some plastic (PCBEs maybe? dunno). It's not a mercury issue.
I'm almost positive PCBs have been an issue, though they aren't a plastic--there I think you're thinking of flame-retardant PDBEs.
Happy Birthday Ailleann !!!!!!!
Plei, they tried to give me a prescription for a new prenatal vitamin with Olivia that wasn't covered on my insurance (and outrageously expensive) and when I asked what the difference was they said, Omega 3's had been added. Apparently, it boosts brain development in babies, but not so much that our insurance company wanted to pay for it. So I went back to my old prenates and just added an OTC supplement.