There's a flood of spam with templated subject lines in my inbox these past few days.
They look like
Re: abcde news
where abcde is a random string of five letters, not apparently spellchecked.
A few days ago I got an e-mail titled Re: luwak news. Dude. I totally clicked on that to read, but, alas a nigh-illegible mortgage scam lay beneath, not civet-poo coffee news.
How many ££ did it cost?
It cost precisely 0$, as I am on a business trip and The Man pays. There IS such a thing as a free lunch!
There's a flood of spam with templated subject lines in my inbox these past few days.
About 60% of my spam the past 30 days has been single word spam.
Robin is trying to start trouble.
Final Score: ATF 1, Pirates 0, Ninjas 0
Dear lord, that kid was a bit dumb.
Coworker: "Hey, short-timer."
shrift: "Everyone's calling me that."
Coworker: "Well, it's like
Prison Break.
You're the one who's finally making a break for it."
shrift: "I gots mah escape plans tattooed on mah body."
Rio! Holy carp! New York lady!
t makes out with now-on-my-coast Rio