I'd really like a do over for this week. You have no idea.
Called my parents last night (gee, wonder why?) They don't approve of their week either. One of their cats is in slow decline, dad went on a s&r for an impaired guy and they didn't find him and it's now been two days. As soon as he got back to town, he had to leave again because a couple of electric company workers died attempting to replace a power line on the site he manages, and his people (also the first responders) are all fucked up over it. Understandably. It was really ugly.
Aaand now I'm taking Mister Kitty for a stay at the vets' in a couple hours. No clear cause w/o ultrasound/xrays. Some numbers are high, but none crazily so.
Actually? I'd just like to cancel this week.
Oh, sarameg. Poor all of you.
I'd need a snappy name. Women? Is that enough? (tagline=girls rule, boys drool). Dunno.
Hmm? KinseyTweak. Tentatrice. Jewel. Lovely.
I dunno, maybe Women is a good place to start. Inspiration may come from the collection.
Easily mispronounced URLs. (Yes, www.whorepresents.com is on there.)
sarameg, here's hoping they figure out quickly what's up with Mister Kitty and that it is very minor and he's back to his usual self quickly.
Heh. What were they thinking? No really, I'm curious. What were any of those people (at Easily mispronounced URLs) thinking?
I think sometimes there's a certain naivete when people come up with such names. Like, if the more "offensive" interpretation is pointed out to them, they say, "Oh, no one's gonna think
Thanks, lisah. I'm trying not to think too hard one way or the other else I lose my shit completely. I hate seeing him so un-Mister Kitty.
Also? I just made the connection between the fact that I've been eating peanut butter for the first time in forever this week and I'm having unusual zit activity. Damnit. No more peanut butter.
Special for bon bon: Did you see Roger Clark doing slam poetry?? About Pat Kiernan? HAR!!
FUCK! I overslept this morning and only watched Today's Papers. I have yet to look at NY1 on Demand, maybe it's on there...
BTW, Pat Kiernan is hosting VH1's new game show, The World Series of Pop Culture.
I think my favorite on there is the tagline fo www.penisland.net --
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