Wlison's just as much a manipulator as House is, he just does it with kindness.
my friend just txted me with "House is pissed because he has to share Wilson." I love sharing my slash goggles.
PS, DebetEsse, I don't know if it was a typo, but I really like Aille, and I have this sudden urge to have people call me that IRL.
House again: oh fuck. And
RSL, oh jesus is he bringing it.
I hope Mister Kitty feels better soon.
Brenda, I was going to mention the
McGill shirt.
Oh my god, I may be getting rid of the nasty carpets and getting hardwood floors.
Oh bt, I was gonna ask you - how smart are squid compared to land animals? Could a squid beat a chicken at tic-tac-toe?
I would pay a lot of money to see that....
Oh, is "chickens can be taught to play tic-tac-toe" true, or a myth?
You know what I love about Hugh Laurie? The way
House makes "that face" when he figures it out. I know brilliant people who get that face when everything clicks.
Love it.
Oh bt, I was gonna ask you - how smart are squid compared to land animals? Could a squid beat a chicken at tic-tac-toe?
They devote as much of their body mass to their neural system as reptiles. I would put a squid as being easily above a chicken for problem-solving ability. An octopus is about as smart as a cat at problem-solving.
Of course, they specialise. As noted, squid are gregarious, and have good communication ability (especially for critters with no faces). Octopi are very talented escape artists, and can produce a variety of responses to dangerous situations depending on the characteristics. And Humboldt squid will drag a man down to a depth of 70 feet to die AIEEEEEE!!!
So a Humboldt squid could easily take a chicken in a fight. In water, anyway. The chicken might have more of an advantage on land.
Too bad they can't meet in a neutral environment and fight. Like maybe in some half-water, half-air zero-g environment....
how smart are squid compared to land animals? Could a squid beat a chicken at tic-tac-toe?
Could a squid kick Nutty's ass on a squash court?
Is Wilson
Also, I had exactly the
God's a House/Wilson shipper!
Apart from being good at it (which will likely come with working with House), how is Wilson different from Cameron?
Aille seemed like a reasonable shortening (cut the "ann")...but, you know, I was mid-show.