So a Humboldt squid could easily take a chicken in a fight. In water, anyway. The chicken might have more of an advantage on land.
Too bad they can't meet in a neutral environment and fight. Like maybe in some half-water, half-air zero-g environment....
how smart are squid compared to land animals? Could a squid beat a chicken at tic-tac-toe?
Could a squid kick Nutty's ass on a squash court?
Is Wilson
Also, I had exactly the
God's a House/Wilson shipper!
Apart from being good at it (which will likely come with working with House), how is Wilson different from Cameron?
Aille seemed like a reasonable shortening (cut the "ann")...but, you know, I was mid-show.
Gilmore Girls was very good last night. The teaser was to die for (and then VM followed up with another excellent teaser.) I am very glad that we
finally have an explanation for Luke's reluctance to introduce Lorelai and April.
And Paris was great.
GG: You really want
Paris on your side in a fight.
April's mom
crossed over into craxy land with her speech to Lorelai, IMO. Wicked over-protective/control freak
GG: You may say that about
April's mom -- but that was EXACTLY Lorelai's policy so far as dating when Rory was young. She didn't start dating in front of Rory (so to speak) until Rory was in high school and her choice? Rory's English teacher.
GG: But the line that
no one should be in her life on anything less than a permanent basis? Seems like it's asking for pain. I mean, anyone can disappear for any number of reasons. I definitely think that her initial pissed-off-ness wasn't out of line, but cutting her world down to that small seems like setting her up for even more hurt when someone does disappear.
I hate what this season is doing to Luke's characterization. The Luke I knew and loved before would NOT have missed Lane's wedding, and would NOT have given that utterly lame speech about how he's afraid April would like Lorelai better. Seriously, not enough eyeroll in the world.
I could maybe see missing the wedding (not for anything less than April, but, yeah, it was a bit contrived. The speech to Lorelai (and the actions it induced from her) was just cringe-worthy.